"New yorkers are the shit." I had to agree at how supportive the fans were out here in NY.

"That's how it is." Justin was behind us with a couple of friends. "It gets even more crazier, trust me."

I laughed and spotted Tori sliding on her skating boots. She looked pouty but not upset.

I walked up to her. "Babe, I'm sorry about that."

Tori laughed. "I'm hardly upset babe. Its pretty cute."

"Hmmm." I kissed her forehead. "Next time you can't disappear, you gotta take pics with us."

"Oh no." Tori laughed. "They're here for you and I don't mind it at all."

I bent down in front of her and slid my fingers in her hair. "Don't say that. You and I are a team remember? Whatever I do, you do and vice versa."

Tori smiled and kissed my forehead this time making me laugh. "You're pretty cool Maloley." Tori blushed.

I was about to respond with a kiss when Justin cleared his throat. "Alright love birds, we can't waste the day watching you two."

Tori tensed and didn't laugh despite the fact that I did and everyone else who had heard. I didn't think she liked Justin much and wondered why? He had always been nice to her.

Anyways, I let it slip and got myself a pair of iceskaters. Tori had already got herself into the rink - doing a couple of turns and spins. She was pretty good at it and I noticed the guys watch her.

"Babe!" She skated over to where I was, still clutching the border. "Come on, its so fun."

Justin laughed. "I think our Skate isn't keen on the ice-skate"

The guys snickered which made my face heat up. How can they even embarrass me in front of my wife like that. I hoped Tori hadn't laughed with them.

"This shit is dangerous." I groaned.

Tori smiled. "Hold my hand."

She reached out for me and I gripped her hands carefully. I hadn't ice-skated before but I wouldn't tell Tori that. She would think I'm weak.

"Babe I can - " I began but she cuts me off with a kiss on the lips. Just a peck, quick but still so good.

"Just forget about them." She nodded towards Justin and the guys. "Everyone learns something once in a while."

I was amazed at Tori. Somehow I had fallen even more in love with her. She knew exactly what to say - and she meant all that she said.

And she actually taught me how to ice skate that day. I wasn't embarrassed anymore because she made it easier to be human and admit that I couldn't do everything.


"Wasn't so bad right?" Tori said as we slid on our normal shoes.

After getting mine on, I bent down to tie her Adidas kicks. "It was kinda fun baby, thanks for teaching me."

"It was nothing." Tori ran her fingers through my hair. I looked up at her, her brown eyes making me weak once again.

"Come here." I mumbled as she brought her lips closer to mine. "I appreciate you so much alright?"

Tori nodded. "I know you do love."

"Whatever was bothering you earlier, I won't bug you. Just know that I'm only concerned with you." I said quietly so the guys couldn't hear.

"Of course - " Tori began but was cut off when Justin yelled again.

"Come on y'all!" He waved. "Pizza on me."


At Domino's, we found a table big enough for the whole groups which consisted of Tori, myself, Derek, Justin and his crew.

I slid my arm around Tori, kissing her forehead gently as we settled into our seats at the table.

"Love you." She whispered and looked up at me through her eyelashes.

I smiled, my heart pounding. "Love you my queen."

The group was so chilled, we ordered couple of pizza's - Tori ate so much that I was taken back. It seemed a little too strange and a few ideas came to mind but I brushed them aside.

Of course we wanted kids now but the disappointment of the previous time was too hard. Whatever happened now was out of my control - I had to accept that.

"Bathroom." Tori said, shivering a little like she might throw up. "Be right back."

"You okay?" I asked, running my hand over her back.

She nodded. "Just a little unsettled."

Then she hurried off to the bathroom, gripping her stomach discreetly. I tapped my foot, the guys around the table kept their eyes on me.

"I'm gonna check up on her." I said immediately and stood up, walking to the bathroom. I barged in - not even bothered that it was the ladies room.

I called out. "Tori!" Then I noticed only one stall with the door almost closed. I heard throwing up - and pushed the door open slowly. Tori sat on the floor and leaned against the stall wall. She looked at me like she was half dying.

"I feel like shit." She laughed bitterly.

I slid down next to her and took a piece of tissue paper, wiping her mouth carefully. She looked tired now - a weird change in her energy.

I soothed her. "I'm here, its okay."

"Lets not be stupid or surprised." She slid her hand into mine and shot me a knowing look. "You know what this could possible mean..."

"I'm not rushing you babygirl." I ran my finger across her cheek. "We can get it checked out."

Tori shook her head. "When we get home please. I couldn't let you down anymore than I have."

"God Tori! You didn't disappoint me one bit." I said fiercely. "It just wasn't the right time."

Tori leaned her head on my shoulder. "I guess you're right."

I ran my fingers through her hair slowly, a lame attempt at making her feel better if I could. It seemed to work because she hummed softly and squeezed my hand tighter.

"Whatever happens..." She began.

"....we're in it together." I finished for her.

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