Chapter Fifty-Two

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21 October 2024 - Monday

Burkesville, Kentucky

 “My birthday!”  Niah jumped up and down in the hospital room.  “My niece was born on my birthday.”

 “Only just.”  Azhure replied smiling. 

 “Still, it’s today.”  Niah leapt around in circles.

Adam laughed.  “We need to get going.”  He said to Niah.  “Come on, Azhure needs to rest.”  He all but pushed Niah out of the room.

 “Love you!”  Niah called back to Azhure.

Azhure raised her hand in a wave and settled her new daughter against her breast.  “Good girl.”  She cooed.

Angellica sat on the edge of the bed.  “She’s beautiful.”  Angellica whispered.

Azhure nodded.  “Perfect.”

Lucien stood next to his wife and new daughter.  “What are we going to call her?”  He asked.

 “I don’t know.”  Azhure replied.

Lucien shook his head.  “I’m at a loss.”  He smiled.

 “Just wait for now, something will come up.”  Angellica said and got to her feet.   “I’m going to head off too.”  She said as Adam popped his head back in the door.

 “I was just going to ask that.”  He laughed.

 “Still in tune.”  Angellica replied.  She bent and kissed Azhure on the forehead,  “Congratulations darling.”  She said, and hugged Lucien after kissing him too.

 “Thanks Mum.”  Azhure whispered, her eyelids getting heavy.  It had been a long labour.  She was tired.

Angellica smiled down at her,  “Go to sleep sweetheart, Adam and I will bring the kids up tomorrow.” 

Azhure didn’t hear her; she’d fallen asleep against the pillow.

The baby continued to suckle.

Lucien walked Angellica, Niah and his father to the truck, regretting his decision as soon as he realised he’d forgotten his jacket.

 “Shit it’s cold out here.”  He said through clenched teeth.

 “Get back inside then.”  Adam replied,  “Well done.”  He said on impulse and grabbed Lucien for a hug.  They slapped each other’s backs laughing.

Angellica and Niah got into the truck. 

Niah still chanted. “My birthday, my birthday, my birthday.”

 “Oh shut up.”  Angellica begged.

 “I’m so excited, just wait until Dante hears about this.”

 “Dante?”  Angellica asked, suddenly interested.

 “Oh, a friend.”  Niah replied, suddenly secretive.

 “What sort of friend?”

 “Just a friend.”  Niah replied.

Angellica nodded.  “Right.  Okay then.  You better tell me later.”  She said as Adam climbed into the drivers’ seat.

 “Tell who what later?”

 “Nothing.”  Angellica and Niah replied at the same time.

They laughed.

Adam groaned.  “Women.”  He sighed.  “Let’s go home.”

Niah got up early the next morning.  She wanted to be out of the house before her mother could question her about Dante.  She had managed to keep him a secret for nearly three months.  She really liked him and didn’t want her parents freaking him out just yet.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now