Chapter Thirty Six

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8 June 2012 - Friday

Burkesville, Kentucky

 “You what?”  Angellica demanded.

Adam put his hand on her arm.  He could sense her blood pressure rising.

Azhure folded her arms defensively.

 “Stop please.”  He said to his wife.  “Listen to her.”

Angellica shook with anger.  “Why did you not wait for goodness sake?”

 “It was a spur of the moment thing.  We can have a party if that’s the problem.”

 “A party?”   She threw her hands in the air and stalked away.  Suddenly spinning, “You think missing out on a party is what’s pissing me off?”

 “Well, what is it?”  Azhure demanded.

Adam sighed.  He knew there was no point in interjecting.

 “How about attending my eldest child’s wedding?”  Angellica yelled.

Adam sat on the couch next to Lucien.

Azhure growled in frustration.  “Shit, Mum, what does it matter?”

Angellica took three long strides to stand in front of her daughter.  “Indeed.” She said quietly.  “What does it matter?”  She put her hands on her hips.  “You are my daughter, it’s meant to be my reward, to see you in your wedding dress, to cry when you get married.  To help you through the morning and celebrate with you.  What does it matter indeed?”

 “I’m sorry, I didn’t think about that.”  Azhure was defeated.

Lucien shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Adam put his hand on his sons’ shoulder. 

Lucien looked at him.  “I’m sorry Dad.  We really didn’t think about how you guys would feel about it.”

Adam nodded.  

Angellica paced around the room.

Azhure started to speak. “Mum...”

 “No.”  Angellica snapped, coming to a stop, she pointed her finger at Azhure.  “There’s nothing you can say that will make me feel any better.  You’ve done it now, there’s nothing we can do about it.”  She started pacing again.  “I need some fresh air.”  She said, and stomped out the front door, slamming it hard behind her.

Azhure turned to Adam.  “How pissed off are you?”  She asked.

He smiled, “Not nearly as much as her by the looks of things.”  

 “Thank god for that.”  She said, sitting next to her husband.  

Lucien curled an arm around her and kissed her cheek.  He whispered in her ear.

She nodded.

 “Dad.”  Lucien said, “There’s something else.”

Adam nodded.  “Yes, what is it?”

 “She’s pregnant.”

Adam smiled, “I’d already guessed that.  Is it what you both want?”

 “That’s really why we got married.”  Azhure said.

He nodded.  “Perhaps you might wait a few days before you tell your mother eh?”

Azhure nodded.

 “Well.”  Lucien stalled with a cough.  “We were kind of hoping you could tell her.”  He gave his father a grin.

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