Chapter Two

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4 May 1985 – Saturday

Richmond, Kentucky

She had escaped.  She was elated.

Eliot couldn’t have known that their father was there.  

Lawrence had spoken so quietly that she had barely heard him.  Eliot was trying to trap her.  Get her alone.  He was going to try again.  She could feel it, in the pit of her stomach.

She leaned heavily against her closed bedroom door, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down the front of her shirt, and in the small of her back.  Her hands were so slick that her boots slipped from her fingers and dropped to the floor with a thud.

Angellica moved quickly to barricade her door.  She pushed her bed in front of the door.  Stopping easy quick access.  She didn’t care if her parents wanted in.  She wasn’t going to allow him in again.  It was as simple as that.  She would die before it would happen again.

After her barricade was completed, Angellica changed her clothes and managed to stop her heart racing.  She sat on the floor at the foot of her bed holding her knees when she heard voices outside her bedroom window.  They were quiet to begin with, just a hum until she dragged her thoughts back into consciousness.  She lifted her head from her knees to listen more carefully.

Snippets of the conversation floated through the partially open window.

 “Neighbours... strange... dresses like...”  Laughter.

She shifted from the bed and crawled to the window to get a better listening position.

 “How many?”  The first voice said.

 “Parents; and there’s two kids.  The older guy looks about 20, and there’s a skinny girl.  About 13 I reckon.”  The second voice replied.

 “Are you going to make a move then?”

Angellica froze.

 “Dude?  Are you kidding?”  There was a dull thump and mild laughter from both boys.

Angellica was horrified, she couldn’t think of which annoyed her most, the fact that he may make a move, or the fact she looked thirteen.  Thirteen?  She was nearly sixteen.

 “I think you’ve already checked her out.” The first boy said.  “How else would you know she’s thirteen?”

 “Blake, c’mon, I’m just that good, have you not figured it out yet?”

Blake scoffed. “Have you talked to her?”

 “No, why would I?”  The second boy laughed, “She’s too young for me anyway.”

 “You really need to lighten up man.  Georgia was barely fifteen when we hooked up.”  

The second voice replied with a laugh, “Fifteen, not thirteen!”

 “Whatever.”  Blake kicked at stones that were under his shoes. “Thirteen is a bit young, I guess.” 

The second boy laughed, “I’m going inside, and you might want to sober her up by the time you take her home.”

Blake laughed, “I know, last time I dropped her off like this she got a barrelling from her old man.”

 “See you mate.”  The second boy said and strolled away his footfalls getting quieter on the gravel.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now