Chapter Thirty Nine

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18 December 2014 - Friday

Burkesville, Kentucky

 “There’s not a lot I can do at this point.”  He said.  

Angellica nodded.

 “They are only letters.”  He said.

 “You can’t see her.  She had a miscarriage last night and is very upset.”

 “I’m sorry honey.”

 “Don’t call me that.”  Angellica said absently.  “Could you just keep an eye on him for us?”

He nodded.  “I can do that.  He’s been very well behaved so far.  Even got a job.”

 “Somebody employed him?”  Angellica was surprised.

 “Yes, he’s working for that new contracting firm.  As a labourer.”

 “Which firm?”

He shrugged.  “Not sure of the name.”

Angellica checked her watch, and then picked up her coffee.  She took a sip and put it back on the table between them.  “Can you find out for me?”

He nodded.

Angellica sighed.  “What can I do in the meantime to keep her safe?” 

He shrugged.  “I don’t know, if Devlin wants to find her he will find a way.”

Angellica rubbed at her forehead with her hand.  She looked around the room, trying to think of something to say, people were staring.

The waitress watched them.  There was a couple sitting behind her, also watching.  Two police officers sat at the breakfast bar, watching also.

 “It appears we are generating a bit of interest.”  She said.

Damien looked around the cafe.  “It would appear so.”

She gave a small chuckle.

Damien sat back in his chair.  “Who cares about them?”  He said.  “After what he has done to Azhure now and in the past, I am ashamed to call him my brother.  But he is nonetheless.  In the last couple of years, things have changed for me.  I’m not angry like I used to be.”

 “That’s good.”  She said.

 “You best get back.  Before the whole town is talking about us.”

Angellica nodded.  

 “Does your...”  He paused and swallowed.  “Your husband know you’ve come to see me?”

 “No.  I’ll tell him when I get home.”

 “Can I ask you a question?”

She nodded and took another sip of her coffee.

 “Actually, a couple of questions?”


 “Did you love me?”  His tone dropped, and was barely audible.

 “Very much.”  She said honestly.

 “Do you love him?”

 “Much more.”

Damien’s eyes dropped to the table.  “I am pleased.”  He said, sounding like it was difficult for him to speak.

 “Adam gives me what you never could.  He doesn’t hit me.  What you gave me was two beautiful children and the strength to do anything I dreamed of doing.  The other things you gave me were scars, pain and thirteen years of painful memories.”  She reached to touch his hand.  “I forgave you a long time ago Damien.  But whatever love I felt for you was gone a very long time before we separated.”

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now