Chapter Forty-Five

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16 October 2018 - Tuesday

Burkesville, Kentucky

Azhure laughed as she got her birthday present from her mother and Adam.  It was an elaborate collection of small chocolate penises.  There were at least fifty of them in the box.

 “They’re all different flavours.”  Adam said laughing.

Azhure wiped the tears from her cheeks.  “They’re fantastic, I love them.”

 “Mine now.”  Niah said, handing her a small wrapped box.

Azhure tore the paper and a wooden box was revealed.  Inside was a necklace with a stone inside.  She picked up the message inside, and read aloud.  “The necklace represents my arms around your neck, the stone represents my heart next to yours and the box represents the strength that holds us together.”  Azhure looked at Niah,  “Honey, that’s beautiful, thank you so much.”  She put the necklace around her neck and gave her sister a hug.  “Did you make this?”  She asked.

 “Yes.”  Niah grinned.  “We’ve been working on it all term.”

 “Wow, it’s gorgeous, I really appreciate it.”

Niah nodded and ducked back to her seat. 

Azhure looked at the clock on the wall.  “It’s getting late, we should get these kids home.”  She said to Lucien and he nodded.  Astra was asleep on the couch, Cole was trying desperately to stay awake watching the TV and Brenna was playing with Vinny.

 “Oh Mum, can I stay up longer?”

 “No sweetheart, it’s a school night.”

Brenna groaned.

 “Good point.”  Caelum said from his seat next to Ella.  He looked at their children.  11-month-old Shelby had crashed on the floor and 6-week-old Cassidy was sleeping in her pram next to the door.

 “Oh Dad.”  Vinny moaned.

 “I’m going to bed as well.”  Niah said, she kissed each of her nieces and nephews, and then her siblings and parents before dragging her feet up the stairs.

Azhure, Lucien, Caelum and Ella, all got up and started organising their children for the travel to their homes.

Angellica and Adam stayed seated and watched with interest as they moved in unison without talking.  The children were wrapped in jackets, hats and blankets and shuffled to the door after kissing their grandparents.

Calls of ‘goodnight’ were heard, the front open and suddenly loud squeals.

Angellica and Adam launched off the couch and ran to the door.

 “Snow!”  Vinny and Brenna ran out on the driveway.

Angellica groaned and got her jacket from the coat cupboard.  She pulled her boots on and flicked the lights on the switchboard next to the door for the floodlights.  Light spilled over the entire stable block and the yards. 

Horses in the yards gave a start and a few neighed.

She started for the stable block without a word.

Adam got his boots on and helped the kids into their cars.  Caelum, Ella and their children got into the Hilux and he took them home. 

When he returned Angellica was still at the stable block closing windows and doors.  He caught up with her in the last barn and finished the last few windows for her while she set the heating for the night.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now