Chapter Eight

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24 May 1985 – Friday

Richmond, Kentucky

Angellica bounced into the kitchen. “I passed!” She yelled out. “I passed my licence.”

Charlotte walked in from the dining room. “Stop yelling, you’re giving me a headache.”  She groaned.

Angellica stopped dancing around the kitchen to study her mother.  She looked old all of a sudden.  No make-up.  No beautiful clothes.  No stunning hairstyle.  She looked terrible and the bite mark on her chin was going to leave a lovely scar.

 “Sorry.” Angellica muttered and ran up the stairs to her bedroom.  Adam was away until the next day, she couldn’t tell him.  She checked his bedroom from her window.  Curtains open, no body home.

As she changed out of her school uniform, she let her thoughts wander.  They hadn’t spent another night together since the weekend before as he had gone away on the Tuesday to help his father with work.

Mr. Tarson ran a construction company and spent a lot of time away from home, and since his eldest son had gone to law school, taking over the business had fallen to Adam.

She changed into her riding clothes and took Snap for a run.

The next afternoon, Angellica was cleaning the stables when she heard Adam’s truck pull into the driveway.  She leaned back to look out the main door and waved. “Over here!” She called.

He spotted her, waved in return, and jogged over.

 “Did you pass?” He asked.

 “I did.” She replied.

Adam whooped, picked her up and spun her around. “Well done.” He kissed her.

 “I am so stoked; I get to drive to school.” She laughed, and started putting the saddles back onto their racks.

 “So I’m not good enough now?” He demanded, hands on hips.

Angellica laughed, “You’re always working.” She replied.

He scoffed, and picked up the last two saddles. “That doesn’t matter.”

 “It does when I have to walk for 40 minutes to get home.”  She took the saddles and hung them up.  “Okay?” She raised her eyebrows.

He shrugged, “Okay, I get your point.”

 “Conversation over.” She stated.

Adam nodded, content to let her win at this stage.  He looked around the stable and spotted a ladder on the far wall. “Where does that go?” He asked, pointing.

 “It’s a ladder, it goes up.” She replied, “Go have a look if you want.”

Adam headed for the ladder and stopped at the bottom, “Is it safe?”

Angellica shrugged, “It’s managed to survive me.” She said.

He climbed the ladder and pushed the trap door up. “Wow.”  He said and disappeared up into the loft.

Angellica climbed up after him and sat on the floor with her feet dangling down.  She looked around the loft, admiring her handiwork.  There was a pile of blankets and cushions to the side for her bedding.  A lamp, books and seven hay bales organised as a table with a slab of wood for the top.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now