Chapter Fifteen

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16 January 1989 – Monday

Danville, Kentucky

The day that Damien left, Angellica was relaxed in the evening, knowing he wasn’t going to be back for a while.  She had a shower after Azhure was settled for the night and was just getting herself comfortable on the couch when Devlin knocked on the front door.  She got up and opened it for him, standing in his way, barring his entry.

 “Good evening.”  He said politely, smiling.

 “Hello Devlin, how are you?”

He hesitated, shifting on his feet, obviously looking for a way to enter the house.  “I was just calling over to see that you are doing alright.”  His smile still there, stuck on his face.

 “He only left this morning; I’m good as gold, thank you for calling over.”

Devlin was shocked.  His mouth was a round ‘O’.  The smile was gone.

 “I was just settling in to read the paper and then head to bed, is there something important you needed?”

Devlin shook his head, “I was just checking.”

She smiled at him, “Oh you are sweet, and I appreciate that, thank you.”  Angellica started closing the door, “See you later.”

Devlin stepped back, “Yes, bye.”  He said.

Angellica closed the door, pulled the curtain over so he couldn’t see her, and padded back to the couch.  

Devlin visited every day at the same time for two weeks before he managed to get into the house.  Azhure, as usual, was settled in her cot and sleeping when he arrived.  Angellica was on the phone talking to her father when he arrived, so she let him in and continued talking.  He sat on the couch listening to her conversation.

After a few minutes Angellica said, “I’m sorry Dad, but I do need to go, Devlin is here.”

She listened and laughed quietly, “I will, talk to you tomorrow.”  She looked at the clock.  7.45pm. “Yes, I will be ready to go when you arrive.  Love you too.  Good night.”  She hung up the phone and folded her arms across her before looking at Devlin.

 “Hi.”  He said, smiling.

 “Devlin, as I have said before, I appreciate you checking in on me, but I really am fine here by myself.”  She said, frowning.  

 “Damien did ask me to look out for you.”  He repeated, as he said nearly every time he came over.

 “Devlin, you know that I’m fine, you know I’m not going anywhere.”

Devlin chuckled, “Yes, I do know that, but if Damien asks me to do something, I feel I must do it.” 

Angellica sighed. “You have checked on me.  I was having a conversation with my father, now I am going to watch a bit of television before I go to bed.”

 “I can keep you company for a while if you like.”

Angellica shook her head, “No thank you, I like my own company at the moment.”

Devlin faltered, finally stood and moved towards the door. “I guess I will see you later.”

 “No doubt.”  She smiled, “Enjoy your evening.”

Devlin stepped out the door closing it gently behind him.

Angellica let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding.  She wasn’t sure why she was even holding her breath and started to giggle.  Angellica told herself to stop it, and composed herself.  She picked up the television remote and started flicking through the channels, eventually dropping off to sleep on the couch.

Devlin called in over a week after the last visit, and kept his visit short.  He asked her if there was anything she needed, and if she was doing well.  She had informed him that all was fine and dandy.  He kept his visits to a minimum after that.  Visiting only six more times after the initial two weeks of visits every night.  Angellica felt a lot better; she had finally managed to settle down and got Azhure into a good routine.  

Angellica was bathing Azhure when Damien arrived home.  Nine weeks he had been away.  Angellica had spoken to him three times while he was away and those conversations were short.  He walked into the bathroom and stood in the doorway until Angellica noticed him there.

She smiled up at him, “Hello, I thought you weren’t going to be here until tomorrow.”

 “I wanted to surprise you.” He said, smiling down at her.

Angellica scooped Azhure from the bath and wrapped her in a towel.  Damien reached out and took her, dropping a kiss on Angellica’s cheek, he went back out to the lounge where the baby’s clothes were waiting.  At nearly 6 months old, Azhure was sitting, laughing, babbling and almost crawling.  Damien laughed at the delight of his daughter being a tiny little person.  He dried and dressed her, and sat her on his knee talking to her, while she laughed and babbled at him in her own language.

Angellica stood at the lounge doorway, smiling.  She knew Azhure would be happy to see him, after two months of not having her Dad around, she was excited.  

 “How was the trip?” Angellica asked.

 “Same old stuff, conferences, dinners.” Damien said over his shoulder.  “She’s so big now; I really wish I didn’t have to go again.”

Angellica visibly sagged, “Again?” 

Damien nodded, “Not for another week or so, we will have plenty of time to make up missed opportunities.”

Angellica nodded. “Opportunities?”  She asked.

 “Of course, husband and wife opportunities, not something you should really speak of in front of our daughter.”

Angellica laughed, “I don’t think she will understand that.”

Damien shook his head, “No way, she’s as bright as a brass button.  She’s the smartest little baby in the world.”  He gave her a jiggle on his knee and she dissolved into giggles, falling against him.

Angellica lay panting; a fine sheen of sweat coated her entire body.  Damien was gasping for breath next to her. 

 “You’re too young for me.” He said between breaths.

Angellica didn’t reply, she just breathed and focused on not laughing.

Damien rolled to his side to sit up on the side of the bed. 

Angellica reached out with her hand towards his back, but couldn’t quite reach.  She almost moved to be able to touch him, but considered the alternatives.  If she did that, he may get angry, or he may not.

Abruptly Damien stood and stalked from the room, heading to the bathroom.  Angellica watched him walk out and marvelled at his physique.  Damien was only thirty-three and had the body of a fit young man.  He was tall and that helped, he was beautiful.  

Angellica stayed in the bed, she half covered herself up as the sweat on her body began to dry and she felt the chill.  She waited for her husband to return, but he did not and she fell asleep.  

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