Chapter Six

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Chapter 6 for anyone who cares....



17 May 1985 – Friday

Richmond, Kentucky

At only 24 years old, Cole McLloyd was buried.  His funeral was very low-key.  His parents and sister were present, and Adam attended for Angellica.  The four of them stood together at the graveside looking at the dark hole that held his casket.  None of them cried; they stood in silence for a long time until Lawrence broke the silence.  He stepped forward to the edge and dropped a white lily onto the coffin.  “I will dearly miss you son.  Watch over us and enjoy your time in heaven until we can be together again.  Amen.”

 “Amen,” Echoed the others.

Angellica moved to her fathers’ side and dropped a small plastic stick into the hole.  It bounced on the top and slid down the side into the dirt.  “Thank you for being who you are to me.”  She said.

Lawrence looked down at his daughter. “What was that?”  His voice was nearly undetectable.  He had almost breathed the words.

Angellica lowered her voice to a whisper. “Cole was with me when I found out about the baby.” She said, “Cole knew all along.”  She smiled serenely.

 “Knew what?” Lawrence asked.

 “Cole knew everything Dad.” Angellica tucked her arm through her fathers’, “He knew everything you suspect.”

Lawrence remained silent.  His eyes were full of unanswered questions.

Angellica shook her head, “Another day.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I love you Dad.  I know you care, and I know you try.” Her arm fell away. “It’s over now anyway.”

Angellica stepped away from him and returned to Adam.  He wrapped his arm around her.  She looked up at him and he smiled down at her.

 “I would like to go now.” She said to him.

Lawrence turned from the grave. “You go ahead.  I’m not quite ready.”  He smiled at his daughter. “Will we talk later?”

 “Yes, I would really like that.” She said, glancing at her mother.  She looked like she was trying to calculate the conversation that had just taken place, but didn’t know how to ask the question.  “Bye Mum.”

Charlotte nodded to her daughter, Angellica and Adam walked away, towards his truck parked at the edge of the cemetery.

Charlotte stood frozen.  She was torn between everyone.  To stay and mourn her dead son, to wait with Lawrence until he was ready, or to return to Eliot.

He was being moved to the psychiatric ward after being cleared of a brain injury.  They had decided without her that he was not brain damaged.  There was something else wrong.

 “You don’t have to wait for me.” Lawrence said to her.  He didn’t turn to her he continued looking into the grave.

Charlotte paused for a long time. “I will wait if you wish.”  She said finally.

 “Go.” He replied, “I will walk home.”

Charlotte opened her mouth, and then closed it again.  She shuffled on her feet.  She felt she should stay with her husband, but she wanted to be with Eliot when they moved him, he would be terrified.

 “He will be expecting you anyway.” Lawrence said.

 “Are you sure?”

 “Go.”  He was defeated.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now