Chapter Twenty

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12 October 2001 – Friday

Danville, Kentucky

Angellica sat across the table from her husband.  He had been home from prison for 4 days and things had been smooth sailing.  Until just now.

 “You what?”  He asked, sitting forward in his chair, leaning against the table.

 “I have made a purchase of some land, construction of the stock yards is complete, with some accommodation and I have around 4 thousand horses grazing the land.”

 “You have made a purchase, of land and horses?”

Angellica nodded. “That’s correct.”

Damien took a deep breath.  “How did you make this purchase?”

 “With my inheritance.”  Angellica was surprised her voice was so calm.  Her heart was racing and she could feel the shake in her legs, even though she sat.


Angellica sighed.  She was glad the kids were away for the night, staying with Kincade and Kimberly; this was going to get messy.  She had asked them to have Azhure and Caelum knowing she planned to talk to Damien tonight about her money.  “When my father and grandmother died, they left me some money, and when my mother died, she also had some set aside for me.”

 “How much?”  He asked.

 “In May last year, when it became available, there was just over 25 million.”

 “Why didn’t you tell me?”  He asked, seemingly very calm.

 “It was my inheritance; I don’t recall having to tell you everything.”

 “You are my wife; you have to tell me everything.”

Angellica laughed.  “You are my husband, do you tell me everything?”

 “I am the man, I don’t have to.”  He countered, sounding like a little boy, even to his own ears.

 “It must take a man to beat his wife then.”  She replied, glancing sideways as Monique stepped through the kitchen door.  She had arrived that morning with Damien to do some ‘work’.  They had not done much apart from sit in the office and drink coffee.  Angellica hated her, and she hated Angellica.  They had a nice relationship, neither of them spoke to one another unless absolutely necessary.  

They both liked it that way.  

Angellica had no issues with Damien sleeping with her.  They hadn’t been intimate in a long time.  Months before he went to jail.  She had no need to.

Damien had Monique for that.  

It suited Angellica just fine.

She looked back to her husband.

He sat very still for a long moment.  He was extremely angry.  Angellica knew by the tiny smile that crept into the corner of his mouth.  His eyes shone with the adrenaline running through his body. 

Angellica waited.

Damien hit her.

His fist connected with her cheek, and she heard it crack just before she hit the floor with the other side of her head.  Her brain shook inside her skull and her vision blurred.  Angellica twisted from the chair, rolling onto her front, and tried to push herself up.

She saw Damien’s feet appear in front of her and she grabbed at the tablecloth, causing everything to slide off the table.  The phone and a coffee cup hit the floor next to her.  Damien stood in front of her while she tried to get up.  

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now