Chapter Three

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I have a lot of chapters ready to go so will up load a few for you.

Keep reading, and enjoy, I'd love all your comments!

Thanks!  :P

Some swearing in this one.....


6 May 1985 – Monday

Richmond, Kentucky

Ms. Doris Bishop stood at the front of her class watching her students.  They were taking her infamous mid-year test.  She delighted in making them fidget, making them sweat.  She found the tension in the room enchanting.  She looked around the room, each of her students were very carefully writing and frowning.  

Geoffrey, who sat near the back was scratching his head and frowning.  

Todd, next to him chewing his pencil was looking blankly out the window.

Chloe, in front of Todd, was writing very quickly on her paper.

Doris walked slowly down the left aisle, glancing down at test papers.  Some were doing okay, considering they were 40 minutes into the test.    She circled around behind Geoffrey and Todd and placed her hand on Todd’s shoulder.  He jumped, and looked up her, guilt written all over his face.  She scowled at him and he went back to his test.  

Doris stepped up behind Chloe, she was writing a letter by the looks of it.  It started, ‘Dear Joseph, I am in stupid history class...’ Doris slipped the sheet of paper out from under Chloe’s pencil and walked away.  Chloe sighed.

Nicole, third row from the front was drawing circles on her scrap paper.

Doris frowned harder until she came to the new girls’ desk.

Angellica sat at her desk, with her hands folded on top of the test paper.  It was face down.  There was writing on the back.  Relevant writing.  Doris pulled the paper from under Angellica’s hands and flipped through the few pages.  Her work was good.  Very good.

Angellica sat back in her chair as Ms. Bishop walked away with her test.  She wasn’t too concerned about it.  A lot of the other kids had warned her that the class was terrible, and that Ms. Bishop was unkind to the students.  

She had not had any problems.  

One thing she had done a lot of in the convent was reading, and of the few things that the convent had, it had books.  There were hundreds and hundreds of books.  She figured, if she was going to be stuck there while her baby had grown within her, she would read.  

Reading became her safe haven.  She had learnt so many things about the world that she was confident going into the History class, and had not worried about what the other students had told her about the dreaded Ms. Bishop.

Angellica looked up at the clock and watched the second hand tick past.  15 minutes remained of the class.  Then it was time for home.  

Thankful for her long walk home, she wouldn’t have to face her family for another few hours.  

Following that Saturday night, Eliot had not spoken to her.  Their father had stuck close to her, or always within earshot.  She didn’t mind it so much; near the end of Sunday, she and Lawrence spent most of the day together and she had gone to bed grateful for the protection.   He had not asked her any questions, and they spoke very little, just having the company was nice.  Angellica had forgotten what it was like, and apart from Cole; she’d had little or no contact with people.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now