Chapter Eighteen

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11 December 1999 – Friday

Danville, Kentucky

Years flew by.  

Life ticked along.

Angellica endured her husband and Devlin, her brother-in-law.

Angellica suffered her own brother.

The more time that Damien and Eliot spent together, the more he got pushed into their family.  With her mothers’ death five years earlier, Eliot seemed to have no one and clung more and more to Damien.  Of course, Damien was delighted in a follower of his own.  He kept Eliot nearby at all times and used him for all manners of ill deeds.

The family house had been sold and divided between herself and Eliot as the surviving family members and Angellica had gained nearly nine hundred thousand to add to her trust as specified by her parents.  Eliot had been gifted the same, and had bought himself cars, women and clothing.  Angellica had no idea on how much he had left, and Damien had never queried either of them about their money status.  Angellica never asked Damien in return, although she knew there was always money there when she needed it.

Having Eliot around her more and more was unnerving, although he seemed more uncomfortable than she did in many ways.  He barely acknowledged her or the kids.  He made a point of not looking her direction and she eventually just stopped trying to include him in any conversation.

Having Devlin around was almost worse.  He watched her do everything; she constantly felt his eyes on her.  If Damien noticed anything out of the ordinary, he didn’t make any comments to her or Devlin.

On the sixth anniversary of her mothers’ death Damien stood over Angellica holding her head under the water as she thrashed against the bathtub.  He pulled her up to catch a breath and then dunked her again.  He didn’t want to actually kill her, but he enjoyed trying.  

He was mildly irritated that he was here in the bathroom with her.  If she hadn’t made the comment about Devlin needing a job, she wouldn’t be here either.

Although, he enjoyed the thrill of making her scream.  His father had done it to his mother, and he had watched from the doorway with glee.  He hoped desperately that Caelum would come to love it as he did.  He knew he had no hope with Azhure, as she was too much of a bitch like her mother.

At eleven-years-old, Azhure knew the difference between right and wrong, Caelum was nearly nine and he understood the principals behind it but rarely spoke of the problems between their parents.

 “Daddy!”  She screamed, and her body shook with rage as her father tried to drown her mother in the bathtub.  “Daddy!  Stop it!  Don’t hurt her anymore!”  She kicked out at Damien’s leg and caught him in the calf.

It was the shock more than the pain that made Damien drop Angellica’s face into the water.  He reached for Azhure.

Angellica dropped into the bath and had to push herself up from the bottom and had to fight her soaking hair from her face before it suffocated her faster than Damien’s attempts in the bath water.  She saw her husband reaching for their daughter and Angellica lashed out.  She threw her arm around and caught him in the groin.  He gasped and had to hunch from the pain.  Azhure stopped in the doorway.  Damien turned to Angellica, and glared at her.  Then he laughed, the sound making her shiver.

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now