Chapter Twenty Eight

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18 May 2007 – Saturday

Burkesville, Kentucky

Angellica stood in the hallway with her arms folded, leaning against the wall.  She had returned to find her daughter pacing.

 “What were you thinking?”  Azhure demanded.

 “Don’t you dare.”  Angellica replied, “I am more than entitled to have time out.”

 “You were gone for over twelve hours.” 

 “You scold me like you are the parent.”  Angellica said.  “You forget that you are my child, no matter what age you may be.”

 “What if you’d had an accident?”

 “Then I’d probably be dead Azhure, it happens.  You really pissed me off today, and then you pull a stunt like slapping me.  You don’t have half an idea do you?”

 “About what?”  Azhure asked.

 “How you dating Adam’s son might have affected me.”

Azhure scoffed, “You?”


 “As far as I recall you sent Adam away.  You did have a choice.  He asks me every time I see him if you’re ready yet, and you don’t think about how it affects me to say to him, no she’s still a stubborn old bitch.”

Angellica stood open mouthed.

 “Yes, Mum, he does ask about you, every five minutes.  Needless to say, it’s really annoying.  I love Luc, he makes me happy, and he makes me feel good about myself.  I don’t care if you have a problem, because if you do, then I’m out of here.”

 “I don’t want that.”  Angellica whispered.  “I would like to meet him though.”

 “That’s fine; I will get him to come over then.”

 “He knows where the house is?”

Azhure nodded.  “And he knows about Niah.”

Angellica laughed, “Niah?”

 “Yes, his half-sister.  We haven’t told Adam, don’t worry, your secret is still safe there.  Luc knows why you haven’t told him.”

 “I will one day.”  Angellica said.

Azhure laughed, “Yeah right.  I’m going to bed now that you’re home.  Sleep well.”  She stalked away.

Angellica stayed in the hallway, staring at the space that her daughter had just occupied.

 “She’s grown up.”  Mike said as he came up behind her, wrapping a long heavy arm around her shoulders.

Angellica nodded.

 “I burnt it.”

She nodded again.

 “Need anything else before I go home?”  He asked.

 “No thank you.”  She said, shaking her head.

He nodded and moved to the door closing it softly behind him.

Angellica headed up stairs, stopping to look in on Niah.

The baby slept soundly.  Her beautiful hair like a halo around her head.  She sucked her bottom lip as she slept.  Angellica reached out and stroked her cheek gently.  She stirred, but stayed asleep, and Angellica left the room, heading for her own.

Angellica woke to Azhure poking her.  

 “Phone.”  She said sleepily.

 “What time is it?”

To Mend A Broken Angel - (First Book in Broken Angel Series) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now