As If Losing the Possible Love of my Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch. 14)

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As If Losing the Possible Love of my Life Wasn't Enough!

Chapter 14

Point of view: Sean

What does my brother think he is doing? Pushing me into a wall and standing all protectively over Casey? Excuse me?

"Marc?" Casey asked, waking up from her unconscious state.

"Are you okay, Case? What did my brother do to you?" Marc asked, glaring at me whilst blocking me from Casey. I didn't mean to hurt her. I just wanted her to fall asleep! Jeez!

Crap, and I still have that man's question looming over me! Am I really supposed to choose over Casey and John? They're both family to me now. . .

"I-I don't know, I came over here to apologize, but Sean shut the door in my face and so I opened it and walked inside to try and find him but I passed out I guess." Casey said, sounding confused.

"Sean, why the f-," Marc started but caught himself not wanting to swear in front of Casey. "heck would you knock Casey out? She's already weak!" Marc finished turning red with anger. He flipped around so he was still protecting Casey but could glare at me.


"I-I don't know okay! I panicked! I-I lost it. I just wanted her to fall asleep, but since I haven't been drinking lately I couldn't control my powers they were too strong and she passed out! I'm sorry!" I replied, my words running together because it seemed like I couldn't get them out fast enough.

"I can't believe you're so irresponsible! It's as if you just turned yesterday! Get a grip, Sean!" Marc yelled, making Casey flinch.

I wanted to go over and comfort her but I knew that if I moved Marc would flatten me in a second.

"I'm sorry," I replied and walked out of the room with my hands up showing them I meant no harm.

I need some blood. I quickly walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bag of blood and stuck it into the microwave.

I could here Marc comforting Casey and making sure she's okay.

"So, did you make your decision?" Came the man's voice from the window above the sink. I jumped, surprised, and a new wave of anger rolled over me; I was getting so weak.

"I don't know yet. How long do I have?" I asked, looking up at the middle-aged man.

"You have until seven PM. If you don't respond, John's as good as dead." The man replied, and he was gone in an instant.

"Who was that?" Marc asked angrily while walking into the room.

"We have a problem." Was all I said before Marc started flipping out. Great.

(C) SarahRuRu

**A/N: Heyy Everyoneee!Welcome sassiegirl16, tevens, uv2beme333, and uphillbattle3! Thankies for fan-ing!

Hope you like this next part...Sorry that it's not very dramatic, but everyone needs to know what's going on and I want you to see their reactions. I have something big planned for the next chappy! :)**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! & SequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz