As if Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch. 3)

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**A/N: Sorry, I lied, I said I was going to upload in the morning, but I forgot about my hair appointment. Eek, my hair has red streaks now. :) I'm not putting a vote limit on this one 'cause I updated twice yesterday. So, I'll update when I feel like it today. Sorry! <3 SarahRuRu**

As if Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of my Life Wasn't Enough

Chapter 3: Fire

Point of view: Sean

"Sean...Sean!" Mr. Bartlett practically yelled, trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Yes? Sorry?" I said, snapping out of my daydream.

"Can you repeat what I just said?" Mr. Bartlett demanded, clearly on his last nerve. The vane in his neck was practically bursting, or at least it looked like it was going to burst, he was so mad.

I quickly replayed what was happening before I zoned out in my mind. He was talking about some lame pop quiz. Who cares? So considering how long he rants, he was probably still going on about that. If I were Mr. Bartlett... I would be talking about how quizzes effect your grade.

"You were talking about how much this pop quiz would effect our grade." I finally said aloud, trying not to sound as bored as I actually was.

"Why, yes, you're correct, Mr. Wolf. Please try and actually pay attention instead of following my usual pattern of thought next time though." Mr. Bartlett said, and when he stopped paying attention to me again, I went back to my daydream.

I was in fourth period, and Mrs. Cardizion was going on and on about some lame ancient history, when a new girl walks in. She looks hot, but seems incredibly shy. She timidly walks up to Mrs. Cardizion and whispers something. Mrs. Cardizion looks up worriedly, then immediately guards her emotions. The girl looks temporarily confused, then walks to the empty seat next to me. She sits down and asks-


"Whoa that was a short class. Wait, what's happening?" I muttered to myself confusedly. I look around at my surroundings, and everyone is pushing and shoving to get out the door. Okay, that's normal, but that was only like five minutes of class, where is everyone going? This time I couldn't follow anyone's thought pattern to solve my problem.


What? There isn't two bells when class is over... That's when I realized there were strobe lights flashing... That only means one thing... fire. Crap. I immediately started pushing towards the exit, like the rest of the students. My black hair got in my eyes like always, and instead of flipping my head to move it, I brushed it backward with the palm of my hand, not caring how idiotic it would make me look. I was almost out of the room.

Ah, free. I rushed down the hallway, towards the main fire exit not looking where I was going when all of a sudden BAM! I collided head on with some dude.

"Hey, sorry dude, exits this way." I said trying to be nice. He just glared at me and looked like he wanted to punch me for slowing him down. Well, anger management issues much?

"Jeez." I said and moved to the right and kept walking towards the exit. I was almost out the door, when I my sense came to me and I turned around, and grabbed the anger management kid, and then ran full speed out the door pushing him in front of me. There is no way I was going to let him stand there like an idiot and die. I am not having that on my conscience.

Once we were both outside with the door shut behind us, I sat down leaning on the side of the building and decided if I hear fire trucks coming, I would gladly move. Until then for all I know some stupid kid could have pulled the alarm as a joke. I had just started relaxing, when I heard repeated 'bangs' at first, I thought I was just imagining something, or that I have sensitive hearing, but then the bangs got faster and louder.

I turned around, looking for the source of the sound, and what do you know, anger management is running into the fire exit door like a freaking ram.

"Dude, what the heck are you doing?" I said, watching him practically break his shoulder.

"Most people tend to stay outside of burning buildings, not try to run back into them." I joked, trying to make him pay attention to me, and not being a psycho and trying to hit the door down.

"Dude, my parents died in a fire, and my baby sister might still be in there. I have to go make sure she's out. We're new here, she wouldn't know where the fire exit was." The anger management guy said pausing to look straight at me, then he continued to bang the door with his weight. He could have said something sooner! Jeez.

"Hey, turn around, I'm going to open this door but you can't watch, trade secret." I said, and rammed into the door with all my strength. Once the door was open, smoke started to come out in clouds, and I could faintly hear someone screaming, someone feminine.

Mr. Anger Management slash Big Brother ran in, screaming, "I'm coming Case!"

Okay, not to be rude, but how lame action movie can you get? I quickly raced in to save this 'Case' girl and her brother. The things I do for mortals.

© SarahRuRu

**A/N: Sorry, I lied, I said I was going to upload in the morning, but I forgot about my hair appointment. Eek, my hair has red streaks now. :) I'm not putting a vote limit on this one 'cause I updated twice yesterday. So, I'll update when I feel like it today. Sorry! <3 SarahRuRu**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! & Sequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن