As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch. 7)

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**A/N: Hey guys. I know it's kind of early, but I couldn't sleep last night, so I might as well upload and do something productive. <3 SarahRuRu**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough!

Chapter 7: required reading and borrowed pens

Point of view: John

"Psst, new kid, do you have a pen I can borrow?" Some guy behind me asked in the middle of Mrs. Smith's English class. I grabbed my spare pen from my bag and chucked it over my shoulder and it landed dead center on his desk thanks to my perfect aiming skills.

"Thanks. Nice aim." He replied, and I smirked.

"We are going to start going over The Pearl by John Steinbeck. Please take a book and pass the rest back." Mrs. Smith said as she plopped enough books for each row on the front desk of the row. Her brunette bun bouncing as she did so.

Sometime after that, I started thinking about all of the jobs I need to apply to when school is over today, and how Casey needed someone to stay with while I did so. I wasn't paying attention at all, and all of a sudden something hit the back of my head. Considering the fact that I wasn't anticipating objects hitting my head, I jumped up, out of my seat.

"Something wrong, Sean?" Mrs. Smith asked, looking puzzled.

"No, sorry, I just thought" I said trying to think of an excuse to jump out of your seat.

"He thought that the bell was going to ring, he isn't used to the new schedule." The guy who borrowed my pen broke in, saving me. I quickly sat back down, and resumed reading. When I knew Mrs. Smith wasn't paying attention to me, I turned around and said thanks to the guy behind me. He had brown spikey hair, unlike my blonde spikey hair, and blue eyes. He was also really pale. He was about to say something when Mrs. Smith broke in.

"Sean, what are you doing?" She asked angrily.

"Sorry, I wanted to know how far we were reading to." I replied, lying. Mrs. Smith looked like she was on her last nerve. What is with English teachers?

"We are reading to chapter five. You can finish reading outside." She said looking as if smoke would come out of her ears at any second.

"Gladly." I said sarcastically, and gathered my stuff to go outside the room.

I was actually glad that I had an excuse to leave, now I could ditch the rest of the day and go apply for some jobs.

I walked out to the parking lot and looked down the aisles for his '94 Acura Legend and finally found it in the fourth row. What surprised me though, was the fact that my car wasn't just sitting there alone, there was another student standing there, it looked like he was waiting for me.

"Um, hello?" I said as I got closer to the guy.

At the orphanage, I took some defense classes, so I knew I could take this guy easily, he looked like a junior at the most.

"Hey, I saw that you were leaving, want to give me a ride?" The stranger asked.

"Maybe. Who are you?" I asked, wondering if this was normal. Since I never went to a public high school, I wouldn't know.

"You know the guy who saved your sister yesterday? I'm his brother's friend. You're John, right?" he asked, and then leaned on the side of my car. I guess we're going to be talking about this for a while.

"Yeah, I'm John. Where do you want to go?" I asked, just wanting to leave already.

"Well there's this restaurant, and I work there, but I am going in early. You think you can give me a lift?" He asked and I thought I might as well, I don't know how he would react if I said no.

"Fine. Get in. But I'm only taking you there, I need to go apply for a job. Any suggestions?" I said as I approached my car.

"Hmm. I'm not sure. Just go look around at most of the local shops, they are always hiring." He said, and hopped in the now unlocked car.

"Alright. Where to?" I asked wanting to get this over with.

After he gave me directions, I pulled into an alleyway. It was damp-looking, and I had no idea where we were what so ever; I had been trusting him this whole time.

"Where's the restaurant?" I asked, maybe thinking I missed it, or maybe this is some way to a back entrance.

"Just keep going, it's at the end here, this is the employee entrance. Oh, see I was right. He just took me to the secret entrance. I'll probably go through one when I get my job too.

"Alright, here we are. Now stop." He said, and then pointed at the wall on my left. I looked and saw a door. It was marked in graffiti. I sat there for a second trying to figure out what it said. Oh, "You should be more careful next time." Huh?

I looked back to my right, where whatever his name was sitting. I was about to ask him about the door when WHAM! Something smacked the side of my head and I was out cold, in the middle of no where, in an alley, with a complete stranger. How gullible can you get?

© SarahRuRu

**A/N: Hey guys. I know it's kind of early, but I couldn't sleep last night, so I might as well upload and do something productive. <3 SarahRuRu**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! & SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora