As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch. 14)

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**A/N: Hey guys. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I fell asleep WAY too early. School is freaking killing me. I'll post more soon. :P Hope you guys like it! :) Feel free to comment and vote! Suggestions are welcome too! <3 SarahRuRu**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough!

Chapter 14: The Leaders

Point of view: Sean

I hope the Leaders aren't freaking Casey out. I can't believe I had to call them. Casey was getting too close to the truth. I couldn't have her find out the truth on her own, I mean, who knows what she would have done.

"You okay Bro'? I can sense your stress from all the way over here." Marc said sounding concerned but I knew he was really irritated. Not my problem that's his gift.

"Yeah. I'm going to go take a walk, 'kay?" I said not really asking, more like telling him. I was out of the house before I could hear him respond. Woot vampire powers. I quickly started towards Casey's house, I'm not letting her get harassed by the Leaders even I will have to go to Punishment for a few weeks if or when I interrupt them.

"So what's up, boyfriend?" Sparkle said rounding the corner. Oh great.

"Not much, just talking a walk around the neighborhood." I said hoping that she hears the note in my voice signaling that that wasn't an invitation for her to join me.

"Oh, can I join?" Sparkle asked, and fittled with her guitar case's strap.

"Um, I have some important stuff to do, and they only allow me, they have trust issues, sorry." I said and slipped into her mind planting a thought that she had to be anywhere but here and that coming along with me would be boring as--

"Oh, okay, I need to go anyway. Bye boyfriend." Sparkle said interrupting my thoughts and I kissed her on the cheek and walked around the corner where she came from, happy that that was over.

I went down an alleyway stepping over piles of trash and rotting food. I hopped over the chain link fence and started running through the parking lots and backyards until I reached Casey's apartment complex, hoping no one saw me.

I stopped behind the building and "listened". I could hear a bunch of TVs, snoring, talking, and people blasting music at some party but no sign of Casey or John.

"Great..." I hissed sarcastically.

"Sean?" whispered a new voice. I quickly turned around and opened my eyes. Oh crap, John's down here.

"John? Why are you down here?" I asked, confused. If the Leaders knew he was down here they would have taken him upstairs already. How did he get past them?

"I just got home and I saw you standing here in the dark. Are you okay?" John asked worriedly. Jeez, he's taking this parenting role too far.

"I'm fine. I was just leaving, Casey and I were hanging out." I said and slipped into his mind as he processed that. I quickly went to the back of his mind and told him that Casey was waiting for him and needed him really badly.

"Oh okay. See ya tomorrow." John said and he quickly raced up the back entrance.

"Jeez," I hissed and waited for him to turn the corner so he couldn't see me. Once he did I quickly followed him up the stairs and to his apartment which he was already inside since I went at human speed. No need for police reports about suspicious behavior around here.

I listened in to Casey's apartment and I could hear John calling out, trying to find where she is. I awaited Casey's reply, nothing. Where is she? I thought panicking. They did not take Casey. John called out again, and no reply. I stopped listening due to the fact I was using all of my will power not to run in there and find her myself. I waited a few anguishing seconds but I still didn't hear Casey respond.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked casually to the door and knocked lightly, no need to scare John. I waited for him to come to the door, cursing how slow humans move.

"Hey, Sean, need something?" John asked, not really paying attention.

"Yeah, I think I left my homework here, can I come in?" I replied and slipped into his mind to make sure he said 'yes'.

"Sure," John said and he opened the door wide enough for me to come in.

"Have you seen Casey?" He asked, his thoughts going back to normal.

"Um, not since I left, ten minutes ago. Did she leave a note saying she was going out or something?" I said trying to cover up the fact I was searching the area for thoughts from her.

"Uh, I haven't checked. Want to help me look?" John asked already walking away. I didn't respond I just started off in the other direction and looked through every nook and cranny twice as fast as John because I was using my vampire powers. When I was done with my half John started freaking out and I quickly went over to him to see why he was giving off the panicky thoughts.

"Dude, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to sound normal. Then I saw the blood all over the carpet. Oh, that's what's wrong. Great...

© SarahRuRu

**A/N: Hey guys. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I fell asleep WAY too early. School is freaking killing me. I'll post more soon. :P Hope you guys like it! :) Feel free to comment and vote! Suggestions are welcome too! <3 SarahRuRu**

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