As If Losing the Possible Love of my Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch.1)

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**A/N: Hey everyone, I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I want you guys to know what Sean is thinking too. I am currently grounded from the computer for the most part but I might be able to convince my parents to let me upload. Lastly, I know this story isn't getting very many views, are you guys sick of it? If this chapter doesn't get some views/votes/comments I'm going to send it to "Unfinished" and write an alternate ending to the first book. Please let me know what you think and tell me any suggestions. I don't bite, promise.

Thanks for all your support and sorry for babelling so much!

<3 SarahRuRu

Oh, and I am trying to think up a plot line for a new story... any suggestions? :) **

As if losing the possible love of my life wasn't enough!

Chapter 1

Point of view Sean

I've been staying hidden for about three months now. The only time I leave the house is to get blood from the blood bank in the hospital. I only drink as much blood as I need to stay alive. Otherwise I don't really eat or drink anything.

I'm getting weaker but I don't care. It's not like I have anyone to fight.

I made sure to pick a part of Arizona that is very rural and I know that there aren't any vampires for q couple hundred miles. I know Marc is probably searching all over for me but there isn't anyone who can find me.

I spend most of my days sitting and wondering about Casey. How she is what she's doing. If her and Andre are together yet. If he treats her right. If John got a stable job. How Marc is. How Casey's doing in school.

Too bad I'll never know the answers. I'm going to stay in my personal hell until Casey moves on with her life and until she moves away from Laguna. So I have about four years. Four years of hell.

Luckily no one stops by my house. I don't get mail. I don't get heat or electricity or water.

It's not like vampires need to shower. We don't sweat we don't cry we don't go to the bathroom.

The only thing we need is a pint or so of blood every week or so.

And that's all I'll have.

(c) SarahRuRu

**A/N: Hey everyone, I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I want you guys to know what Sean is thinking too. I am currently grounded from the computer for the most part but I might be able to convince my parents to let me upload. Lastly, I know this story isn't getting very many views, are you guys sick of it? If this chapter doesn't get some views/votes/comments I'm going to send it to "Unfinished" and write an alternate ending to the first book. Please let me know what you think and tell me any suggestions. I don't bite, promise.

Thanks for all your support and sorry for babelling so much!

<3 SarahRuRu

Oh, and I am trying to think up a plot line for a new story... any suggestions? :) **

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! & SequelWhere stories live. Discover now