As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch. 8)

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**A/N: Hey guys. Thanks for reading. :) Three or four votes until I post more. :)**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough!

Chapter 8: Missing persons

Point of view: Casey

"Where is he?" I muttered to myself, looking for John. After searching for thirty minutes, I still couldn't find him.

"I guess I'll go look for the car, maybe he's already there." I muttered to myself and set off in the direction of the student parking lot.

I went through each aisle twice, looking for the old car, but I still didn't see it.

"Hey, Casey, right?" Someone asked, I turned around, and saw an older version of Sean, and let me say, he is hot.

"Yeah," I replied, trying not to stare.

"You okay? I've seen you walk past here a couple of times already. I'm Sean's brother Marc by the way." He said and he actually looked concerned. Why would he be concerned, he doesn't even know me. What is with their family? They're too nice... it's just not normal. Hey! Since when is niceness a bad thing? Jeez, get a grip!

"Yeah, my brother normally takes me home, but I can't find him or the car..." I said trailing off at the end.

"Oh, I have English with your brother, he got sent outside. Maybe he just ditched and lost track of time?" Marc said trying to help me find out the reason why he would have left.

"Maybe. That doesn't really seem like him though. He's normally really responsible, but maybe the stress got to him." I said trying to think where he would go. I couldn't really come up with anything being new to the town and all.

"Well, need a ride anywhere? I can take you home, or if you're not comfortable being there alone, you can come stay with Sean and I until your brother shows up." Marc said looking like he was sorry for me.

"Can you take me home so I can drop off a note for John, and then go to your house? If it's not too inconvenient." I asked, ever since the fire, my parents dying and orphanage I haven't stayed home or anywhere alone. I'm too afraid to stay alone, thinking that something else will go horribly wrong, or that whoever isn't there will get stuck somewhere and I'll have to watch another news-cast where someone I love is dying.

"Of course. Let me go find Sean, and we can go." Marc said and ran off before I could respond. Now that he was gone, I got a good look at the car. It was a older car, but not as old as the Legend. From what I knew about cars, I could gather that it's a Honda and that's about it.

I'm not sure how long I was standing there, but what seemed like five hours later, Sean and Marc came walking up. Maybe I have separation anxiety...

"Hey, Casey." Sean said, beaming.

"Hey," I said, casually, and then hopped into the car after Marc signaled I should.

"Okay, we're going to Casey's then back to our house, 'kay, bro?" Marc asked from the drivers seat, whilst backing out of the parking lot.

"Sure. Where were you at lunch, Casey?" Sean asked me, looking curious.

"Oh, I don't really know anyone besides you, so I sat in the library and did some studying." I said trying to sound like that's what I wanted to do.

"Why didn't you come sit with me? You're totally welcome at my table!" Sean said, sounding honestly confused. Did he take me as the kind of girl who just assumes everything is mine for the taking? Jeez. I'm not just going to walk up and be like, 'Can I sit here?' because then he feels obligated to let me sit. For all I know, he could totally regret saving me.

"Haha, thanks." I said laughing. Sean gave me a confused smile and looked out the window.

"So, where are we going, Case?" Marc asked looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"330 Cliff Drive, do you know where that is?" I asked hoping he did because I didn't totally know the way there, I have like, zero sense of direction.

"Yep, my friend Andre lives there too." Marc said and made a sharp right.

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent we were all wrapped up with our own thoughts. I was thinking about what I am going to do at Sean's , I have some homework, and I think there's a Seventeen magazine in my room I can grab... Oh, I have an English project too. The car suddenly jerked to a stop, I guess we're here.

"Alright, do you want to run in by yourself, or have one of us with you?" Marc asked looking at me in the mirror again.

"Um. I guess I'll go in..." I said trying to hide my nervousness, but I guess Sean heard it because he said, "Can I come, I am really thirsty." Earning an eye-roll from Marc.

"You two better be back out here in five minutes, or I'm coming in. No making out." Marc said with a smirk. I blushed, even though I don't like Sean that way. I got out of the car, not wanting to see Sean's expression, it was probably horrified, thinking about kissing me. Hah.

One we were inside, I pointed out the kitchen and ran upstairs to my room to write the note, and grab my magazine. It must have taken longer than I thought to hunt down some paper and a pen from my suitcase, because I was just sitting down when Sean knocked on the door frame. I looked over at him, and tried not to laugh, his head was turned to the side, so he couldn't see in, as if I was going to change with the door open.

"You can look, I don't change with my door open." I said and a little laugh escaped.

Sean scanned my room, taking in the white carpet, white walls, unmade bed, and suitcase.

"Almost ready?" Sean said, not commenting on my lack of stuff.

"Yeah, let me just grab something." I said, and went to my suitcase and opened it up.

"What are you looking for?" Sean asked, looking incredibly curious.

"Hmm? Oh, just a picture." I said rifling through my clothes.

"Got it." I said triumphantly, and stuck the picture in my front jeans pocket. Then I grabbed the note and my magazine and walked out of the room, Sean following behind.

Once we were downstairs, I placed the note on the counter by the door so my brother would see it when he walked in. Then I flipped the lock on the door and turned around in the door way to see if Sean was coming. Apparently he was right behind me because the second I turned he ran right into me. Jeez, in a hurry much?

I blushed, and was about to turn around, when Sean reached up and brushed a stray hair out of my eyes. I ignored the tingling feeling his touch gave me, and turned around as fast as a whip. I do not like Sean, I told myself. Just because he is nice, cares about you, and saved your life doesn't mean you like him, okay? I told myself and walked down the stairs to get back to ground level. I listened for the sound of the door shutting, and Sean's footsteps.

By the time Sean got in the car, I was sitting down, listening to music on my iPod so he couldn't make any conversation. I didn't like being rude, but come on, I needed to get my mind off everything somehow.

Marc and Sean shared a puzzled look when then thought I wasn't paying attention, and I tried not to smile, they looked so much alike.

On our way to Sean's house, I saw an alleyway marked off by caution tape, a silver car and a bunch of police cars. I didn't really give it a second thought after that, but Sean must have better vision then me because I saw him mouth to Marc, 'Isn't that John's car in the alley?'

I looked back and sure enough, there was my brother's car. Now where is my brother? I thought trying not to panic.

© SarahRuRu

**A/N: Hey guys. Thanks for reading. :) Three or four votes until I post more. :)**

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