As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough! (Ch.6)

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**A/N: Sorry for uploading so late, I was hungry. :) Four votes 'til I post more! <3 SarahRuRu**

As If Moving, Transferring Schools, and Meeting the Possible Love of My Life Wasn't Enough!

Chapter 6: Emotions

Point of view: Daisy

"Bye!" I yelled to my mom before I ran over to Sean. As I was running to Sean, who was reading under a tree totally absorbed, I flipped my black side bangs out of my blue eyes. When I finally got over there Sean looked up to see me, he looked confused, like he was expecting someone else, but then he smiled and patted the ground next to him telling me to sit down.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, referring to the fire yesterday, I was absent because I had just gotten back from vacation in Hawaii and my parents let me stay home so I could rest.

"Yeah, I just got this new book and it's really good. It's about this whole school of ghosts and they let some humans in and I just can't put it down!" Sean said animatedly.

We make a really cute couple, we both have long black hair and pale skin. I have blue eyes and he has green ones.

"Daisy? Daisy?" Sean called trying to get my attention. Oops, I always have issues paying attention; I zone out a lot.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! What were you saying?" I said, genuinely sorry.

"No, you don't care enough to listen. I'm going somewhere else." Sean said, and got up and walked towards the office. I wonder what he's doing there? I thought but then I realized what just happened; Sean just lost it. He's never gotten that mad at me before. Maybe he just needs more- Before I could finish that thought, the bell rang signaling that it was time to run off to homeroom.

I promised myself I would find Sean and apologize at lunch.

I arrived in homeroom and sat on the opposite side of the room compared to where I normally sit, next to Sean. In came the new girl, the one Sean saved, Cassie or something. Right behind her walked in Sean, and he didn't even look at me as I mouthed 'sorry' to him. Jeez, who knew he could hold a grudge? I followed him across the room with my eyes, hoping to catch his attention, but no such luck. I wasn't even paying attention to the new girl until the girl behind me asked, "What's the new girl doing sitting in your chair?"

I immediately looked over and there she is, right next to Sean, and Sean is completely flirting! Excuse me? That's my boyfriend!

"Hello class, and temporary students." Mrs. Placed said, waiting for us to quiet down.

"Okay, as you all know, there was a fire yesterday in the Science building that demolished all of the classrooms and ended up spreading into the Math building. Both buildings are now crossed off with caution tape. No one is aloud to set foot past the tape. If you do, you will be suspended, no questions asked." Mrs. Placed paused to let that sink in to our fourteen-year-old minds and then changed tone dramatically.

"Now, no one was hurt yesterday, but our very own Sean helped save Casey, our new student, when she didn't know the way out. Please come to the front of the class you two." Mrs. Placed said and looked at them expectantly.

Sean looked at Casey and shrugged as if to say, 'what's the worst that could happen?' and rose from his seat. Casey was about to push herself up but Sean extended his hand to help her up and when Casey took his hand you could practically see the electricity that went through their bodies. Casey looked like she was trying to hold back a smile, knowing that the whole class was watching her and Sean.

I just sat there, seething with anger. It's not like I wanted Sean to ignore all the girls but me, but I didn't want him to be this nice, especially to her.

Once they finally made it up to the front of the room, Mrs. Placed said, "Hello Casey, and Sean. What was going through your mind when you heard Casey screaming, Sean?"

Sean looked like he was going through some internal fight as he tried to phrase his response.

"Well, her brother was the one who thought she might be stuck inside, and once I heard her screams, I knew I needed to find her." Sean said looking at each classmate in turn, and skipping over me when it was my turn. Jerk.

"How noble of you. What were you thinking, as you crawled through the halls, Casey?" Mrs. Placed asked. It looked like she was really into this. I looked over at Casey to see her reaction was, and could only watch wide-eyed.

Casey was standing, biting her lip so hard it turned white, and digging her finger nails into the palms of her hands, practically drawing blood. She looked down at the floor so her side bangs covered her left eye, but I could still see the tear escape from her right eye.

As soon as she noticed what was happening, Casey ran out of the room, the door slamming behind her. Wow. How over dramatic can you get?

I ignored her and looked at Sean to see what he thought of this, and oh my goodness, furious is an understatement. Sean looked like he could kill Mrs. Placed right then and there.

The class didn't know how to react, and luckily we didn't have to because the bell rang signaling it was time to go to our next class.

"Everyone in here is going to the football field for math with... um, I don't know who, but someone will be there to teach you. Bye now." Mrs. Placed looked extremely relieved that we were leaving.

The second she was done speaking, Sean raced out of the room, leaving his stuff and Casey's stuff to go find her.

"Great just what I need." I mumbled bitterly to myself and started following his scent.

© SarahRuRu

**A/N: Sorry for uploading so late, I was hungry. :) Four votes 'til I post more! <3 SarahRuRu**

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