You both get into an arguement and one of you apologize later

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Tony: You wanted to stay home because this new version of your favorite shoes came out. Of course your dad said no because it was a school night. You both haven't spoken to each other for hours.

"Dad?" You knocked on the lab door. You saw he building/fixing his suits. He turned around. "I'm sorry. It was so stupid. I really don't need those shoes anyway."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I love you so much that you don't deserve to be yelled at." You both gave each other a hug.

Steve: You guys were fighting about homework. Yeah, that BS. You showed him that how you he got that number instead of your answer. It was hell when it's lose.

"Y/n?" You heard as your dad walked in your room.


"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't  been like that. I just want to let you know that I'm sorry." He leaned against the door frame.

"It's okay dad. I'm sorry that I made it hell was all lose." You both hugged each other. "But my answer was right."

Bruce: You guys fought about how late you go to sleep. It's been one of the arguments you both had this week.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I'm going to start sleeping early. You're right about everything." You told him as he was going to work.

"Come here." He gave you hug. "I wouldn't be yelling at you if it's a serious problem."

Clint: Shield Agent + A girl that wants to sleep and not work out = NOT GOOD! You're dad has been training you 5 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. I know, a lot.

"Hey kid! Robin. Y/n. The best daughter ever." He sang to have your attention.

"Yes?" You put your school book down.

"I want to say I'm sorry, I shouldn't train you so much. I'm sorry. It won't happen."

"Apology accepted."

Thor: It's Thor! You both barely get into fights, but when you eat his Poptarts, that's a different story.

"Father, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry and I bought you another box of poptarts." You showed your father, who's face lit up.

"I'm sorry my daughter for being mad at you for the dumbest thing."

Pietro: Being the fast man alive daughter, you pretty use your data pretty fast. When your dad got the bill, he wasn't so happy.

"Dad, I wanted you to know that I'm sorry." You pulled out money that was for the bill. "Here you go, that's for the bill."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." He smiled. "Since I already paid for your bill, you can't take me for dinner for a 'I'm sorry'?"

"I'm just gonna get you something from the dollar menu."

Sam: You snuck out the house to see your boyfriend. Since your dad isn't happy about the relationship, it was time to talk but that didn't go as planned.

"Can I come in?" He says.

"So you can tell at me again?"

"No. I realize that you're growing up and you need to be in relationships. I'm sorry for telling you should break up with him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was in a relationship."

Loki: You got a nose ring, without telling him. I think you knew what went down.

"Father?" You peaked your head out of the door. You saw him. "I think I should apologize for getting a nose ring. I should've told you first."

"Well, it's there till you want it. Next time, tell me, my daughter."

Bucky: You went to the backyard to shoot a couple rounds. When you came back boy oh boy.

"Dad, I want to tell you I'm sorry. I just wanted to use a gun so I can protect myself."

"I accept but you're not using a gun anymore. Deal?"

"Deal." You both shook hands.

Scott: He didn't pick up your favorite dinosaur chicken nuggets. All said.

"Nugget! I'm sorry! I forgot about them!" He talk to your closed door. "But because I love you and I hope you forgive me, I went to the store and bought them." You opened the door.

"Just for me?"

"Just for you."

"Apology accepted."

T'Challa: You barely get into trouble. You both don't fight so you're good.

Natasha: She found out that you clean your room when Uncle Clint came.

"Angel? Can we talk?" She said as she knocked on the door

"Why do you criticize me with my dirty room." You open the door.

"No, I'm sorry that I made you look bad in front of Uncle Clint and I'm just sorry."

"Alright." You gave her a hug.

"You still need to clean your room."

"Just stay out of it. It's gonna work that way."

Wanda: Driving! You came home with a messed up front. Your mom just paid it off.

"Mom, I'm sorry that wreck the car. I'll help you pay for the damage."

"I don't care if the damage y/n Maximoff. I care about you. You're lucky you didn't get hurt."

"So my apology is cool?"

"Just give me a hug."

Jessica: You've been going out lately, you're mom found out. She thought that you been doing bad things but you were just hang out with Malcolm, planning her birthday.

"Y/n Jones, I'm sorry that I accused you of doings drugs." She hugged me. "I hope my apology can be accepted by-"






"Y/N! I hope you forgive me."

"I do forgive you. You're so lucky that I'm always at home and not doing what teens do these days."

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