You got into a accident part 1

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This will be possibly a four or three part story. This is going to be the phone call when you got into a accident

Voice mails:


"This is New York Memorial Hospital. Your daughter, y/n, has been in a car accident. She's in critical condition."


"Steve it's me, Nat. I'm calling about y/n. Steve." *starts crying* "she's been in a accident. A big one. I'm in the hospital with her."


"Dr. banner, we have some horrible news. Y/n, she um, she got hurt on the mission. We need you to come, we don't know if she's going to make it."


"Clint! Y/n is in trouble! The mission gone wrong! It was all an accident! We need you here at shield now!"


"Thor it's me Jane. I'm here at the hospital with Y/n the doctors said it was an accident. We don't know if she's gonna make it."


"Pietro, it's Wanda. We were in the car and then the next, we are upside down. Y/n can't wake up. Help."

"Mr Barnes, me and y/n were in school. There was an shooting accident. I can't find her anywhere."

"Loki, it's Thor. I believe y/n is in the hospital. She got in a hit and run. She needs you here."

"Y/n stay with me! Sam! Come to the facility, now! Y/n listen to my voice. The mission was comprised."

"Your Highness, I have terrible news. It's about Princess Y/n. I got a call from the medical center, she was in a terrible accident with a animal."

"It's Hope. I have y/n her with me. She's in horrible condition. Doctors say that she might be in a coma. Please come."

"Answer your damn phone Natasha! Your daughter is between life or death. She found on the road with her friends. Get to the hospital now!"

"Ms Maximoff, your daughter y/n is in the hospital. You need to come because we don't know what will happen. Her accident was horrible. Your daughter needs you."

"Its Luke. Y/n got into a motorcycle accident. We we're practicing, and then out of no where, a car comes. Jessica, get your ass here. Yell at me all you want for buying her that, but she wants you here."

Sorry for not posting about 2 weeks. I was really busy with school and all. It's also hard to come up with these in a week too. Thanks for understanding☺️

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