Coming home with a hickey

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Tony- You just came back from Harry's place. You thought that your dad was asleep so you can quickly put makeup on your hickey but, he was awake.

"Hi dad!" You walked into the living room. He looked at you knowing something is wrong.

"You came back from Harry's?" He asked.

"Yeah." You looked around. You forgetting about the hickey.

"If I were you, I would put some foundation or something on that." He told you. Your eyes widen.

"Um, I'll be back." And you ran to your room putting on makeup.

Steve- You and him were having a movie night. You yawn so loud, making your dad turn to you.

"Is that a hickey?" He asked.

"What?" You got up and went to the closest mirror. Your jaw clenched. "Matt is a dead man."

"Sweetheart relax, im fine with it, I don't care."

"Well I care." You got up and grabbed your car keys.

"Oh boy." And you went out the door.

Bruce- You were putting on your lab coat and you called your dad to help you with a experiment. He was behind you and he looked at your neck.

"Have you seen Peter?" He asked.

"Um I believe with Tony, why?"

"I want you to see in the mirror and I'll be back." And he walked away. You walked to the window and saw.

"DAD! WAIT I CAN EXPLAIN!" You chase after him.

Clint- You had tried your best hiding the hickey. You even called Tony's daughter if she can come and put some makeup on it so it won't be noticeable. But your siblings were playing outside and played with water balloons. They had a ambush on you. When the makeup started to run. You ran inside.

"Who you been calling the past few minutes? And I know it's not Wade."

"It's Tony's daughter." You said. Then he saw the hickey.

"Don't let your mom see that." He pointed his neck. You gave him the classic y/n bitch face.

Thor- You walked to the kitchen where Jane and your father was. When you stretch your neck, your father poked at it.

"It is this purple thing on your neck?" He asked. You turned to Jane.

"It's called a hickey." You told him.

"Who did this to you?"

"Peter." He got up and walked to the door. "Father, where are you going?"

"To have a little chat with Peter." And you convince him not to.

Pietro- "Dad, can you check what on my back, it hurts." You told him.

"Um, Roadrunner, it's a hickey." You shut your eyes remembering what Scott did to you last night. You sighed. "I remember that time when I gave-"

"No, I'm not going to listen to your stories about how you gave hickeys." And you walked away.

Bucky- You woke up. You just came back from Logan's. You took a shower and got dressed and ready to go out. You walked to the kitchen where your dad was.

"Hey Baby Doll, has your neck been hurting?" He asked. You moved your neck and you shook your head no. You went to the bathroom and check it out, it was a hickey. You walked back to your dad.

"It's just a bruise." You asked.

"Doll, back in my day, I know what a hickey looks like." Your eyes widen.

"Dad, um, I think the bus is here. Bye love you."

"Wait y/n, it's Saturday."

Natasha- You and your mom went out for breakfast. You were wearing a v-neck and that meant your mom seeing what Barry had done to you last night. Your mom stared at your collarbone.

"Angel, did Barry do that?"

"Um, mom before you get all Black Widow on Barry, I'll go to the car and wear my t-shirt from school." And you got up and ran to the car. When you came back she was on the phone with Clint talking about Barry.

Wanda- "Mom, can you check what's on my neck?"

"Sure Sweetie." She put your hair to ponytail and saw the purple mark.

"Mom? What is it?" She didn't say anything. You went to hear what was her mind.

'This Clark Kent is going to have a surprise tomorrow morning. Pietro and I will go to his house and buy paint and pour it on-'

"Mom if you do that, I will never be able to forgive you."

"Dang it, I forgot you read minds."

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