Going to prom

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Tony- You and Steve's daughter went dress shopping and you found the perfect dress. A red one that fit perfectly for your body. Your prom date was Harry Osborn. He asked you.

Steve- You went with Tony's daughter and you were just looking for a dress for her but you this beautiful champaign with diamonds on it and you fell in love. Your prom date was Matt, you told him.

Bruce- You weren't planning to go to Prom but Clint's daughter begged you. So it was last minute dress shopping and you found this sea foam color dress that you liked on tumblr. And your prom date was Peter Parker. He asked you.   

Clint- You spend all day looking for the perfect dress and you found this purple dress and lucky it was the last one and someone was about to grab it. Your prom date was with Bucky's daughter because Wade didn't have time.

Thor- You went with Wanda's daughter and Pietro's.You wanted something blue and white and this dress caught your eye. It was unique and one of a kind. Your prom date was Peter Quill. He knew about it.

Pietro- You went with your cousin and Thor's daughter. You went with Thor check the blue dresses and this dress was the one. You adore it. Your prom date was with Scott Summers. Well, you both go to the same school.

Bucky- You went with Nat's daughter. You were picky about the dress that she pulled out for you and you found this dress. That dress was the dream dress. You went prom was with Clint's daughter because Logan wasn't into it.

Natasha- You went with Bucky's daughter and you went to the black section and you found THE dress. It was the right one and you felt the vibe. Your prom date was Barry. He asked you 4 day before.

Wanda- You went with your cousin and Thor's daughter. Went you went to your section and their was nothing that you liked and when you were about to leave the store, they put this Maroon and gold dress. Your prom date was Clark. He wanted to go with you.

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