Where you sneak out

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Tony: You like go to your boyfriends house, you love how he always there for you.

Steve: The library, reading makes you feel like your in a whole different world, that's what you love about it.

Bruce: The park, you love how the beautiful scenery whenever the sunsets, couples falling in love and the music.

Clint: The archery place, you always have an escape whenever your there when you need to relax.

Thor: The cafe, it's always quiet there, that's what you love about it. The soft music they play and that warm drink you love.

Pietro: Tony's place, there is always something to do there and you always like the company that Tony and his kids give you.

Bucky: The roof. Yes, the roof. Whenever you're up there, you see the lights that buildings have on in the dark night.

Loki: Your cousins house, going there makes you happy and a totally other, new person, that's what you love.

Sam: The little area that you have in your room. You read your books and you listen to music, you just like being by yourself.

T'Challa: The jungle, the animals are the reason why you keep going. They love you. Especially black panthers.

Scott: The playground, you always take your sister there and you love how you hear the kids laughing, reminds you the old days.

Natasha: The training room. You always let go of your anger and whatever you have going on, the trainer makes you confess of what's going on, Bucky...

Wanda: The garden. Seeing the flowers just makes you in a better mood. The garden is such a great place just to sit and write down things.

Jessica: wherever your bike takes you. Going around the city, finding new places, that's where you go out.

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