You coming home drunk

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Special thanks to @karin_bae

I can take any requests for what I can do next!

Tony- You and Peter went a party. It was one of those high school parties for basketball. You had to many drinks. You knew that your dad told Peter to keep a eye on you but, you refused.

"Oh god, y/n, your dad is going to kill me."

"*burps* Call him, tell him that I'm going to your house." You wobble down to the car.

"Yeah, okay." So when Peter and you were in the car, you arrived at the tower. "I'm going to help you." He got out the car and open your door. He had his arm around your waist and you had your hand around his neck. You guys made it to the elevator. Once the doors opened, Peter almost had it to the hallway of your room.

"2:30 in the morning and y/n is drunk? Should I be surprised?"

"Mr. Stark! Umm, I can explain."

"Peter, you can go home. And for you," he pointed at you. "you and me will have a talk." Peter left.

"Wait Peter! Be extra quite, my dad will hear you." You said. He waved.

"Come on kiddo." you guys were in your room. "What the hell were you thinking!"

"I don't know." Your dad dropped his head.

"Tiger, this is the only and last time you will be drinking." You nodded. "And Tiger, you and will have this talk again in the morning." and shortly after that, you fell asleep.

Steve- You had a few drinks with your friends and you had them drop you off at your house. Your dad was at work, late shift again. So he won't know that you were drinking. When you walked to stairs, you walked like a actual drunk person. Once you had it to your apartment, you opened the door and saw your dad.

"Dad?" And you fell.


"You came home early" You were surprised.

"You've been drinking."

"Whatttt! Nooo!" You said.

"How long?"

"Just today."

"I'm very upset with you y/n y/m/n Rogers."

"I know." Then your dad picked you up and took you to your room. And lets say that you woke up with a massive headache.

Bruce- You had so many drinks that the person that held the party had to call your dad. Once your dad came in, he wasn't surprised, teenagers drinking, grinding together to the loud music. He saw you, you were in the kitchen. Your head on the counter top.

"Snowflake, we have to go."

"Who are you calling snowflake? Im Meredith Grey! Dr. Meredith Grey!"

"Sure you are, now lets go."

"Wait, Christina needs to be here, we stick together, she's my person."

"Well, Christina is waiting for you at home." He had carried you on his shoulders. You were in the car.

"Why did Derek have to go with Addison?"

"I dont know."

"I said, Choose me, Love me, pick me, and he went to her." he chuckled.

"Maybe Lexi can-" and you drifted to sleep.

Clint- You had this party with your friends, and they were drinking. You wanted to try so you did. After you finish the first one it became the 3rd one then the 6th one. You were 4 blocks away from your house you decided to walk there. You walked to your house and opened the door.

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