Your role model you look up to besides your parent

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Tony: Happy Hogan. He just makes you happy and you want to be like him, always thinking in the positive side.

'Listen Kid, you need to keep your head up and focus on today not in the future.'

Steve: Uncle Bucky Barnes. You want to be fearless and a badass. Uncle Bucky is always there when your dad wasn't.

'Y/n, you are the greatest thing that you dad ever had. Hell, I'm glad I'm here for you.'

Bruce: Natasha Romanoff. You looked up to her like she's your own mom. You wanted to have a connection like that with a woman who is powerful.

'Don't you dare say that. You need to let them know you are a Banner and you show them what Banner's do best.'

Clint: Pietro Maximoff. You love to joke around and Pietro in your life, he's like a big brother to you.

'Y/n, I'm glad that I made your life happy. You're the best non-related sister ever.'

Thor: Jane Foster. Since you came to Earth, Jane is you inspiration. You want to become a scientist just like her.

'No matter how hard they ask you to do something, do it better than they told you.'

Pietro: Vision. You like how smart he is, you know that he's an android. Vision is the only thing you want your children to look up to as well.

'Don't worry if you're not where you want to be yet. Great things take time.'

Bucky: Uncle Steve Rogers. Uncle Steve is the most caring man in your life besides your father. You thank him everyday for saving your dad from Hydra.

'Everything will be so good, so soon, just hang in there and don't worry so much.'

Loki: Your grandmother Frigga Odinson. She's had a heart that was meant for you and only you. When you felt different, she would say,

'Different is good. You are good and you have no control over that. You are special.'

Sam: Bruce Banner. Bruce has taught you a lot of things and what there are. He's just a nice person that you admire. You just love the big softie nerd.

'No matter what, you got this.'

Natasha: Tony Stark. Yes Tony. He's been like a father to you ever since you met him. People say he's a asshole that cares about himself, but their wrong. Tony Stark is the bravest man alive.

'Be the most important girl in the room.'

Wanda: Uncle Clint Barton. Clint was there since you were born and you love how he treated you as his own. Clint knew how to make you happy when you feel sad.

'Remember why you started.'

Jessica: Trish Walker. Trish is also like a mom. She's was there when you needed someone when your mom couldn't. You just love her to death.

'Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.'

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