A cute moment between you and another avenger

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Tony: You and Bruce! I mean he's way cooler! You guys always do some crazy science experiments that will probably blow up the place but it's fun!

Steve: You and Sam! You guys are just like best friends! You guys go on runs and just talk about anything.

Bruce: You and Nat! Nat has been like a mother to you, and thats how you see her. You guys go shopping and do what girls like to do.

Clint: You and Pietro! Even though he's a pain in the ass, but you consider him as part of the family. He makes you laugh when bad things happened.

Thor: You and Sif! Sif has been like a sister to you. You both go to battles and train. Whoever wins, gets dessert, and that is always you.

Pietro: You and Thor!

Bucky: You and Wanda! Wanda is just like a best friend to you. You lets secrets and let who you like. Especially when you guys go and eat at your favorite restaurant.

Loki: You and Tony! Driving in his fancy cars are the best times ever! You love the rush.

Sam: You and Clint! You like how sarcastic Clint is, thats how you discovered a new language. You like sitting on the couch and drink coffee.

T'Challa: You and Bucky! You guys love to paint, thats how you guys became in the first place.

Scott: You and Loki! Yes, the Mischief god, you like how he's always plays pranks around the avengers, and then, he's not all that bad.

Natasha: You and Steve! You guys have these nicknames for each avengers. Example, Pietro is grandpa since he has white hair.

Wanda: You and T'Challa! The famous King of Wakanda, you guys love going to explore the outdoors and pretty much seeing the animals.

Jessica: You and Danny! Danny has been teaching you martial arts ever since your mom met him. Its been great having him as a friend.

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