Your Superhero Name

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Tony: Black Flame Girl.

Steve: Captain Immorality.

Bruce: The Antidote.

Clint: Force Arrow.

Thor: Time Saver.

Pietro:  The Controller.

Bucky: Inviswoman Soldier.

Loki: Spirit.

Sam: Raven.

Natasha: Gray Sensor.

Wanda: Violet Witch.

Jessica: Wonder Girl.

I was nominated by @supernaturallover000

1: batman vs superman was the best movie.

2: I know that Civil War will be the greatest movie ever

3: I want to see Dylan O'Brien so bad.

4: I love NIKE more than I love myself

5: I dyed my hair black

6: my closet is Allison Argent and Lydia Martin inspired

7: listening to music now

8: #protectmyBuckybear

9: want to call my children..
Boy: Stiles Buchanan
          Pietro Lionel

Girl: Natasha Allison
          Jocelyn Lydia

10: In world history we were watching War World II and I accidentally said where's Captian America and Bucky Barnes😂

11: I'm not kidding about my future kids names. I need help😂

12: 9 more weeks till school ends!

13: ScarJo and RDJ are my parents!

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