Going on a road trip

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Imagine- You and some of the Avengers going on a road trip possibly in the same car.

Thank you for giving me this idea!

Tony- You shared a car with your dad, Bruce, Steve and Pietro. And in the other car was Nat, Clint, Thor, Wanda and Vision. The team wanted to go on a trip.

"Are we there yet?" You said. Pietro was being a little annoying Steve talking about what kind of music you are listening to.

"No." Once you saw where you're going, you jumped from happiness. "We are here!" You pushed Steve and you 'kissed' the sand.

"The freedom!" You yelled throwing the sand.

"Is she okay?" Steve and Pietro asked.

"She is. Hopefully." Your dad reply.

Steve- You, your dad, Uncle Bucky, and Sam were going to Six Flags. Which is a long drive so you call it a road trip. You were sitting next to Sam.

"Got any reds?" You and him were playing Uno. You grabbed the last card and put in the pile. Then after 40 minutes, you had the card that destroys the game.

"HAHAHA!" You had your evil laugh.

"You little monster!" Sam yelled. And the two of you started to fight.

"Don't make me turn this car around." Your dad said.

"It's just a stupid game." Bucky said.

"Just a game?!" You and Sam yelled.

"This is no game." He said.

"The game that destroys friendship." And you all arrived at Six Flags.

Bruce- You, your dad, and Nat went to a road trip to New York to anywhere actually. You had your Beats by Dr.Dre on and listen to Bring Me To The Horizon. You were jamming out.

"Dad, hand me the AUX cord." And he did. The Oli's voice was perfect. Out of nowhere, he started to play the air guitar, Nat playing the drums and you were lip singing. Your dad was doing head banging.

"MY NECK! CRAMP! CRAMP!" Your dad yelled.


"Dad!" You helped him out.

"I guess I can see why your age can do all that stuff.

Clint- Nat invited the whole family to a road trip. Your parents sitting on the front, Lila and Nathaniel were sitting in the middle and you and Copper in the back in the van.

"Hey Y/n! WADE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU! HE'S AWESOME!" Copper yelled. Lila was playing with Barbie and Nathaniel crying.

"I DONT CARE!" You yelled at him. You and Copper were fighting. Then the car stopped.

"You kids in the back are driving me crazy!" Your dad said and Nat was behind him.

"Hey guys!"

"Aunt Nat!" You all jumped all of the van. And Nathaniel stopped crying.

"How can you stop that?" Your dad said.

"They love me." She said leaving your parents shocked.

Thor- You and all the Avengers were going camping outside of New York. Sitting next to Pietro and Wanda was annoying because they would argue every single hour. And all of the sudden you felt someone flicking your ear. You turned back and saw Tony.

"You are so dead! Stark!" You got out the seatbelt and jumped. Wanda and Pietro holding you down. And you were there, at the camp site.

"Move!" You pushed everyone out the way.

"She's okay, I promise." Your dad said. And you were making a dirt angel.

Pietro-You, your dad and Aunt Wanda were going to Disney World. You were laying on the backseat.

"Are we there yet?" You said.

"No." Your dad said. 20 minutes later.

"Are we there yet?"

"No." You playing with a app where you can make annoying sounds. You were playing Deez Nuts vine.


"Stop! No more 'are we there yet.' And no 'Deez Nuts!' And 'WHAT ARE THOSE!'

"Dad, we missed the entrance."

"Oh." And you all turned back to the entrance. And Wanda laughing her butt off.

Bucky- You and him wanted some father and daughter time. Your were sleeping durning the whole ride. Funny for your dad, there was car in front of you guys and it looks like it's going to crash. So, he screamed.

"Y/N!" He screamed. You jumped. Your scream was loud.

"AHHHHHHHHH! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" And he was laughing. And switch lines. You punched him.


"Don't you dare think this funny!"

"I think this is father and daughter time."

Natasha- You, Clint and your mom were going on a trip to Orlando Studios. You think to yourself. HARRY POTTER HERE I COME! But no. You need to go to the bathroom.

"Mom, I need to go the bathroom."

"Waterfall!" She said and Clint joined he took his water bottle.

"Look at how refreshing this is." You gave them the bitch face. When you guys made it, you ran to the bathroom.

"You both are not going to see it." You said grabbing your backpack.

Wanda- You and the whole team went to the beach. You were bored so you read everyone's mind.

Tony- I kinda want Shawarma. I should get Shawarma.

Steve- I hope the team won't fun of by wearing America flag bathing suit.

Bruce- I'll just read here.

Nat- so dis I agree to on the road with these people.

Suddenly you spoke.

"I know right!" Nat turn her head. "Oops?" You smiled. And the beach your mom gave you a whole speech of not using your powers.

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