It's All Okay

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She had bitched and moaned and complained until Tara finally moved her. [Name] was determined to see Chibs with her own eyes. Although Tara could have sworn that she just wanted out of that room due to the fact that her mother was there.

Tara had been warned prior to meeting her mother that the woman was demanding and blunt -- much like her daughter, but her mother was just plain rude when speaking. At least with [Name], you could tell that she had a heart of Gold -- unlike her mother.

So, Tara had sped up the tests to make sure she was able to be moved around, but it was a long and trying two days of testing between [Name] and her mother fighting, and Gemma getting into the mix.

But finally, she was okay to be moved and had Tara take her to see Chibs.

When she first entered, Fiona was there sitting on the couch. Fiona had been there for several days waiting for her husband to wake up from his temporary coma, but Chibs had yet to do anything out of the norm.

Fiona had been completely ignored as [Name] was rolled into the room in the wheelchair and gasped and covered her mouth with her hand when her eyes landed on the busted man in the bed.

Chibs looked like hell.

His head was wrapped up and hooked up to monitors just like she had been. When [Name] went to stand up, Tara was quick to grab her, only to be shoved back by an unexpected force of strength that came from no where.

[Name] wobbled at first being on her feet again, but she managed to make it to Chibs's bedside where she placed her fingers along his forehead and smoothed them back into his hair line.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

She cried softly as she placed her lips softly upon his forehead. She looked down at him as Tara moved around the bed to take vitals. Tara glanced back and forth from under her bangs between Chibs and [Name], seeing just how sorry the girl looked at him.

He stirred in his sleep.

[Name]'s eyes grew wide as Chibs groaned and moved his head ever so slightly.

"Oh my God. He waking up."

Tara whispered seeming baffled. Chibs had been out cold the last few days and now all of a sudden he was waking up from the touch of [Name]? Tara waved it off as not that at all -- how could it have been, it was just a coincidence with the timing.

"Chibs? Chibs?"

She called out, feeling a hand slink up to her elbow and then up her arm ever so slowly.

Fiona stood slowly from the other side of the room and watched with curious eyes at the actions they took with one another. Gemma's words ringing in the back of her mind making the woman's eyes narrow as she said nothing while watching the two.

"Aye, lovie?"

Chibs voice was horse just like hers was when she woke up. His eyes opened slowly as he looked up at her, his lips parted slowly as his breathing was slowly.

"Chibs I'm so glad you're awake."

She whispered softly while stroking his forehead. There was a small laugh that sounded more like a sigh that passed through his parted lips as he blinked slowly and tiredly.

"I'm glad ta see yer alright, lass."

He spoke softly bringing a sad smile to her lips. He noticed the road rash across her face, but aside from that she was okay. He had risked his life to protect her when he didn't have to and for that she was beyond grateful.

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