Jade was ready and had gone down to get started on work had assigned.

Speaking of Harry, his face when he saw my blue hair was rather hilarious to me. Nothing gave me great joy than always messing with Harry, I knew sometimes I took it too far but sometimes he does too.

We both piss each other off, and we're both a weakness for each other. I don't deny that now, I just hate how it happened.

I decided the summer night was too hot for a long sleeve black tee, so I pulled it off and looked for another shirt when the door burst open, I screeched when I am met with Harry looking at me.

"What the hell are you doing? Close your eyes!" I yelled trying to cover my chest with my arms.

Harry gaped at me and realizes the situation and closed his eyes. I quickly found the first short sleeve shirt I found and threw it on.

"Jesus, okay done. Haven't heard of knocking?" I joked.

He peeks and eye open and opens both, he gives me a cheeky grin, "I wasn't expecting two surprises today."

"Perv," I rolled my eyes.

He laughs, "I'm joking. Wanted to let you know we live soon."

"What exactly are we doing?" I fold my arms.

"We need to get some answers, and we have some resources that can help us," he vaguely states.

I snort, "how detailed."

"You'll figure it out once we get there. We just need to know any possible plans your father may have," he further explains.

I nod, "alright. But it's only sunset? Why not in the middle of the night?"

"Because Julio and his men aren't at the location in which we're going. And if we go now we can increase our chances of getting answers."

I sighed and picked up my mask and gun, "alright. Lets get this done."

I was about to walk out of the room when Harry grabbed my arm and whispers in my ear, "I really do like your hair."

We were driving in an old rusty truck Nick lend us (Liam who's driving, Louis up front, Harry, a man named Jim and I in the back seats), the rest in other old cars that won't attract attention.

We arrived what seemed to be a very high up house, and I looked at Harry, "what's going on?"

"Hang on, alright?" He avoids eye contact and looks at Jim and another car pulled up behind us indicating the other group had arrived. He looks back at me, "I'll be back alright. I'll let you know when to get inside. Stay with Liam and Louis."

Harry once again nods at Jim and they run towards the house and others follow behind and start surrounding the area.

My heart pounds and my ears ring. I looked at Louis, "do you know what exactly is going on?"

"What do you mean? Don't you know?" Louis looks at me genuinely confused.

I raised a brow, "no."

Liam glares at Louis as if he shouldn't have said anything, I grew impatient and annoyed, "what's going on or I'll march inside there and figure it out myself."

"Fine, but I'm not sure how you'll react," Liam sighs. He explains what Harry's doing and my heart stops and my eyes widen, I jump out of the car and sprint to the house. In all honesty I knew what I was doing was stupid, but when haven't I done something dumb? I know I'll be careful, I'm not some clueless girl who does whatever and gets her ass into more trouble, but I'd be lying if I say I haven't done that before.

I jump the fence of the house, easy. I hear a few gun fires but nothing extreme.

I looked around my surroundings and I run for the front door, I rushed inside and someone grabs me and shoves me against the wall, that's happened to me quite a bit.

I gasped, "Niall!"

He relaxes and lets me go but hisses, "Julia, what are you doing? Harry's going to kill you."

"I know who's he with, and I'm going to go in whether you like it or not," I fumed.

Niall looks defeated and moves aside, I run for the stairs and Niall trailing behind me.

I run to the room and I hear for a room where I can hear Harry. I hear his voice booming and I pushed the door open and everyone turns to me.

Harry eyes meet mine and he grows annoyed, "Julia? I told you to stay back!"

I looked at someone tied to a chair, gun pressed to their head. Eyes blinking at me and I looked back at Harry, "my own mother?"

My fingers cramped up, so I'll try to update tomorrow or in the next few days!

Thank you guys for reading!

Love you all,

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