42) Oct. 15 - Dec. 20: Snow White Neanderthal

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15 October, 2012

            Life is boring. I’m bored.

            I know this sounds unhealthy, but what did I do with my life before Niall?  I feel like every day at least four things happen where I think to myself, “Oh my god, I have to tell Niall about this.” 

            Maybe that’s why he broke up with me.  Maybe I talked to him too much.

            I can’t believe how hard it is not to talk to him.  I’ve wanted to text him or call him but I’m terrified I’ll scare him off for good if I do that.  But I miss him so much.  I wonder if he misses me…

            But the thing is…he has no reason not to text me.  I’m not the one that needs space so he has to know I’d love to hear from him.  So I guess he’s not texting or calling because he doesn’t want to.

            Well, that’s depressing.

17 October, 2012

            Emily and Harry have been chatting a lot.  But they’re all secretive about it.  I wonder if they’re seeing each other.  Like secretly dating.  It would explain a lot but I don’t think that’s the reason.  What are they up to? 

            I’ll ask her about it when I get out of class.

17 October, 2012, few hours later

            She just shrugged nonchalantly when I asked her.  What does that mean?

            I asked if they were dating and she rolled her eyes and shook her head.  Note: That is not verbal denial.

            This is weird.  I don’t like this.

20 October, 2012

            Everyone’s getting ready for Halloween.

            Emily and I have decorated our room with cheap orange lights and a pumpkin scented candle.  I know, we’re wild and crazy.

            Emily keeps asking me if I’m going out for Halloween.  I keep reminding her that I haven’t been invited anywhere.  Then she reminds me that you don’t have to be invited to fraternity parties directly. They pass out fliers and leave fliers in the library for people to see.

            I asked if she was going and she told me she would go if I went.

            Psh.  Fat chance.

26 October, 2012

            So I’m going to a freaking Halloween party.

            And I’m going to freaking Conrad’s fraternity party.

            I can’t even tell you why.  I have no idea why.

            Emily and I have been working on our costumes all day.  There’s a party every day this weekend and we decided to go to today’s party and tomorrow’s so we have two separate costumes.

            I’m going as a pinup girl tonight.  I’ve always loved that classic look and I think it would be kind of fun.  Plus, as dramatic as it sounds, I’ve lost a fair amount of weight since Niall and I broke it off and Emily has been pushing me to get out and do stuff on the weekends so I’ve spent a lot of time at the beach.

            So yeah.  I’m broke so Emily helped me put a cheap costume together.  It’s sailor themed and it’s adorable.  I looked up all these hair and makeup tutorials online and I think I look pretty good, thank you very much.

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