14) November 20 &21: Hagrid and Stripping Police

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P.S. There's a French phrase in here but I don't speak French, like, at all, so I used Google translator.  So if the phrase is wrong, blame Google.

Anyway, thank you again so much!


20 November, 2011

            I think I want a dog.  Yes…yes I have decided.  I need a dog in my life. 

20 November, 2011, ten minutes later

            Dad doesn’t seem keen on the whole dog idea.  I shall persuade him.

20 November, 2011, later

            Harry just called to see how I was doing.  I’m kind of tripping out at this other side of Harry.  Since when is he considerate and protective? 

            I told him I was doing better.  Then I thanked him again.  He brushed off my thanks casually.  There was a moment of silence so I decided to ask him how I should go about persuading my dad to let me get a dog. 

            “You want a dog?” Harry asked.

            “I very much want a dog,” I said.

            “Since when?”

            “Since this morning.  So, have any ideas?”

            “Well, what kind of dog?”

            “A giant one,” I told him importantly.  “Like a Great Dane or Mastiff or something.”

            “Why do you want such a big dog?”

            “I’m not sure I understand your question.”

            “Okay,” he snorted.  “Maybe that’s why your dad doesn’t want one.  Because you want one that’s so big.”

            “But giant dogs are cool,” I argued.

            “I know,” Harry said quickly.  “It just might be a contributing factor.”

            “Perhaps,” I mused.  “So any ideas?”

            “Er, show him how responsible you are?” he suggested.  “Maybe do some research so he knows you’re serious.”

            “Yes, this is what I’ll do,” I said.


            More silence.  I guess I could have hung up but I didn’t consider that as an option at the time.  Instead, I changed the subject again.

            “So, who are you inviting to the dance?” I asked.

            “I’m not sure,” he said thoughtfully.  “Maybe Heather.  Or Stephanie.”

            “Definitely,” I agreed though I had no idea who those girls were. 

            “Has Niall officially asked you yet?” Harry asked.

            “Not yet,” I shrugged.

            “I’m sure he’ll do it soon,” Harry said.


            This time the silence was a little too awkward so I told him I was going to start researching to get my dog.  We hung up.

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