7) Sep. 12 - Oct. 1: Womanly Urges

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12 September 2011

            I spent the rest of my weekend texting people and sitting.  A vast improvement from last weekend, I must say.

            Mom tried to call me again and I honestly think Chase was seconds away from strangling me when I pretended to be dead. 

            I don’t know.  Nothing really exciting happened today.  Well, okay, that’s a lie.  I spent every class I had with the Foxy Five or the Big Titty Committee (that’s what I decided to nickname Karen, Camilla, Jessica, and Fiona) talking about the party.  It was endless entertainment to hear about their versions of the night.  I was more relaxed at lunch and talked openly with everyone. 

            Madame Lier is delighted with my progress. 

            Dad and I went to dinner just to the two of us so we could catch up.  It was lovely.  He mentioned I should consider talking to Mom but he let up when I pretended to be having a heart attack.  This whole dying/almost dying thing is a great technique to get out of any situation.  Just so you know.

13 September 2011

            Niall’s birthday!  We went to Nando’s to celebrate.  Have you ever been to Nando’s?  What am I saying?  You’re a diary.  But it’s delicious. I highly recommend it.  Niall is in a committed relationship with it.  Not even kidding.

1 October, 2011

            Wowee time sure has flown by!  It tends to do that when you have friends and a social life.

            So where to start. 

            Well, I’m pretty much all caught up in German.  Camilla has this really great teaching technique where she yells at me in German any time she’s mad about anything so I learned swear words pretty early on.  She also insists on speaking in German whenever we gossip, which is often, so in order to get the full effect, I had to learn pretty fast. 

            French is okay.  Chase has been a real help.  I can even follow along in class now.  Granted, I’m still not anywhere close to my peers and I’m far from fluent, but I’m at that level where I could get by, so all is well.

            We had our first field hockey game.  Harry lived up to his word and successfully managed to flirt the other team into oblivion.  It was really funny.

            I walked out onto the field with Camilla in our team kilt (a navy blue, sky blue, and white kilt that was leaps and bounds more appealing than the school gym kilts) and a navy blue jersey with our school logo.  We were wearing our shin guards, sky blue socks, and cleats.  We looked fierce.  Well, aside from the mouth guard we had to wear. 

            So we walked out of the locker room and saw Fiona, Jessica, and Karen on the sidelines.  We rushed over to them and thanked them for coming.

            “The guys are on the way,” Karen said. 

            “I’ll bet they are,” I smirked.

            “We should warm up,” Camilla nudged me.  We thanked the girls again and ran onto the field.  We stretched for a while and did some laps around the field when the rest of the team joined us.  Then we just did basic drills.  I found it a little weird that the other team wasn’t out warming up with full force but maybe it was a strategy.

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