8) October 3 & 4: The Lasy Sebra

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3 October, 2011

            Bloody hell.  Charlotte has now informed me that I’m spelling basic words the “American” way.  Read: The wrong way.  When I asked her what she meant, her example was realize.  It should be realise.  With an S.  I told her that I had spelling those words with a Z my entire life and I couldn’t just change them now.  She begged to differ.  What’s the big deal, anyway?  She knows what I mean. 

            I’m putting my foot down on this one.  I refuse to conform!

4 October, 2011

            I have a field hockey game today.  I’m nervous about it and I don’t really know why. 

            We’re doing this new thing in Music Theory.  We’ve covered a lot of the basics of music and now Mr. Sharp wants us to implement what we know.  Therefore, we have two weeks to come up with a song that we have to write and sing.  He realiZes that not everyone in class is a strong singer so he has allowed us to work in groups.  The Foxy Five have joined forces like a proper boyfriend.  Liam almost didn’t join because he didn’t want to leave Camilla behind, but she finally convinced him it was okay, just so long as they still got to spend time together at night.  Then she winked really suggestively so I think you can guess what she was implying. 

            Camilla and I are a group and we took on Maggie, a teammate from hockey.  Maggie can play guitar and I can play piano so we were well on our way to stardom.  Camilla even offered to look into drum lessons.

            Charlotte gave me a very stern look when she handed me back my homework assignment.  She talked to me after class.  At first we discussed the new book I’m reading, Nineteen Minutes by Jodie Piccoult.  I then suggested a book to her, Looking for Alaska by John Green.  Then she scolded me about my spelling.  She told me that I should just replace Z’s with S’s whenever it felt right.  Then she asked me to write a short story for her to implement this new tool.  I wrote about The Lasy Sebra.  She tried to be strict with me but she ended up just chuckling and sending me on my way.

            We’ve moved on to tennis in gym now.  I don’t know why I told you that, but it seemed important at the time.

            So we had our game after class (Madame Lier allows me game days off).  Camilla headed out of the locker room earlier than I did because she needed her good luck kiss from Liam.  I walked out alone and swung my stick by my side as I walked.


            I distinctly felt the stick collide with something and I whirled around.  Harry stood behind me clutching his shin.

            “Jesus, I’m sorry!” I winced.

            “I’m okay,” he gasped.  “I’m good.”

            “Where are your shin guards, young man?” I faux chastised.

            “Must have left them in the locker room,” he winced.  “But I remembered my cup and that’s all that matters.”

            “You shouldn’t joke around like with me,” I shrugged.  “I might actually test it.”

            “Actually,” he said thoughtfully and looked at me skeptically, “you would try and test it.”  I nodded in satisfaction.  “But if you really wanted to touch me so bad, all you had to do was ask.”

            “Your wit astounds me,” I rolled my eyes.  He grinned.  “Shouldn’t you be flirting with the other team?  I thought you were using your powers for good and not evil?”

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