30) May 25 - June 10: I Mean DAMN

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25 May, 2012

            Supplies I need:

·        Phone

·        Money

·        Friends

·        Support

·        Snacks

            That’s all I’ve thought of so far.  But I’m sure I’ll need more eventually.  Okay, I’m going to pay Niall’s aunt a visit to kick start this brilliant plan.

25 May, 2012, few hours later

            I just spent the last couple hours of my life dealing with a woman crying hysterically in my arms.  I told her my plan and the waterworks kicked in.  I thought his aunt was going to down herself in her own tears.  It startled me.  I mean, I know my plan is ingenious and all, but I highly doubted it warranted this reaction.

            That’s when she told me how much she had been missing Niall.  She wanted to put on a brave face for everyone because she didn’t want him to worry about her.  Then she told me how sorry she is that I got caught up in this paparazzi business.  She told me that we didn’t deserve it.  Then she cried about how much she misses Niall some more.

            Anyway, I finally got around to explaining my plan in full and she promised me she would do everything I had assigned to her.  I gave her a long hug.

            “I know you’re trying to be strong for Niall,” I said, “but if you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

            It was the wrong thing to say (or the right thing, depending on how you look at it) because she started to bawl again.  She hugged me tight and then sent me off to complete my plan. 

            I’m making charts and lists in my room before I visit my next person. 

25 May, 2012, later

            My plan is falling into place brilliantly! I’ve even got Chase in on the action. 


26 May, 2012

            OKAY! AH!  OKAY!

            So, I finally have everything settled and finalized so I feel I can discuss the plan without jinxing it.

            The boys are homesick, right?  Well, they may not be able to come home, but I can bring home to them.  Now, Diary, I’m sure you’re like whaaaaat? But hear me out. 

            The guys miss being home and being with family and friends and their life before the fame.  Now, I can’t supply the guys with all of those things, but I can try and supply them with as much as possible. 

            I’m going to surprise the boys in Australia, which is where they are again.  But it’s not just me.  I recruited everyone I could think of to make it special.  Therefore, Camilla and Fiona are coming.  So are each of the guys’ families.  Like moms, dads, and siblings, and one aunt.  I am bringing them home in full force. 

            Here’s how it all transpired.

            First and foremost, I had to get funding if this was ever going to work.  I’m broke as shit, and no one else I know has enough money to send over twenty people to Australia.  So I enlisted the help of the boys’ parents or guardians or whatever.  I contacted each boys’ guardian figure and told them my plan.  I made sure to do this in person so that they could see how serious I was even though it all sounded crazy.  Every single woman cried without fail.  And every single person hugged me for a long time.  Everyone wanted to see the boys, we just didn’t know how to make it possible.  That’s where I come in. 

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