28) April 14: Minor Setbacks

Start from the beginning

            “Well, why not?” I asked.

            “We don’t have a Plan B!” Fiona cried.  “We didn’t even have a Plan A!  This just sort of happened.”

            “Well, what are we going to do?” I asked.  “Sit here and take it?  Wait for people to show up at our houses?  Let people send Anthrax to our doorstep?”

            “No one is going to try and poison us,” Camilla reasoned. 

            “You don’t know that,” Fiona mumbled.

            “Ladies,” I said.  “We need a plan.”

            “What kind of plan?”

            “First thing’s first, we really need to talk to the guys,” I said.  “Their numbers and addresses are in that book as well and we need to warn them before someone decides to scan their information into the internet.  Besides, maybe their management has a plan up their sleeve.  We’re obviously ill equipped for this, but this is what they do.  They’ll think of something.”

            “Okay,” Fiona nodded.  “At least it’s something.”

            “In the meantime,” I continued, “we need our homes back.  Calling the cops on them isn’t going to make the fans like us any more.            

            “They have to go home eventually,” Camilla shrugged.

            “Very true!” I smiled.  “That’s the spirit.  Now let’s go find a phone to call the boys.”

            We sort of broke into the school but the back door was unlocked so technically we didn’t do anything wrong.  We went to the teacher’s lounge and grabbed the phone.  I knew the boys were smart enough not to answer weird numbers but I hoped this number would show up as ‘School’ or something.  I tried Niall first to no avail.  Fiona tried Louis next but he didn’t pick up either.  Camilla tried Liam and we had a success.  She put us on speaker.

            “Liam, we have a problem,” Camilla said gravely.

            “A problem?” Liam repeated.  “Is everyone okay?  What’s wrong?”

            “We’re fine,” she said quickly.  “It’s just…”

            “The secret is out,” Fiona finished.

            “What secret?” Liam asked.

            “We woke up this morning with magazine reporters and fans on our lawns,” I said.  “They know about us.”

            “People know that you’re our girlfriends?” he asked.  “This is great!  No more pretending!”

            “Babe, they’re on our front lawns.  They called Fiona at four in the morning.  Our address and phone number have been posted on the internet.”

            “Oh,” Liam said.  “This is bad.”


            Liam shouted for the other guys.

            “You’re on speaker,” Liam told us.  “I just told the lads.”

            “Tell them to get off your lawn!” Harry said indignantly.

            “Yes, Harry, because what we need right now is for people that probably already dislike us to hate us,” I said sarcastically.

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