15) December 17: Ice Luge

Start from the beginning


            The night started normally.  We went to Jessica’s house to get ready.  I think I speak for all girls when I say getting ready is half the fun.  We blasted the music as loud as we could and spent more time laughing and dancing than getting ready.  Amidst the tom foolery we managed to do our makeup as we had been practicing and perfect each other’s hair.  We wiggled into our dresses at the last moment.  We took pictures through the whole process so as the pictures progressed, we turned into slobs in our PJ’s to glamorous…dancers…(?)

            I had that glowing confidence that comes with waiting with your friends to go to a dance looking smoking hot with a great guy.

            I made a promise to myself to not let the inevitable drama of the night ruin my good time.

            The boys arrived at the house right on time, including the mysterious James and Jacob.  Mindy and Vivian were going to arrive soon.  Awkward.

            Liam was the first to walk into the house and his eyes immediately fell onto Camilla.  Camilla was in this form fitting turquoise dress that made me question my own sexuality for a moment.  She was downright sexy, and I’m woman enough to admit it. Louis pretended to have a heart attack when he saw Fiona and she giggled. Zayn and Harry whistled at us.  Niall walked in last and his eyes widened when he saw me.  A smile took over his face and I found myself smiling like a loon.

            “You look beautiful,” he said.

            “So do you,” I said, flustered.

            “Thanks,” he said and pretended to flip over his shoulder.  “I moisturized.”

            “I can tell,” I grinned.  He laughed and gave me a quick kiss.

            “They’re late,” Karen pointed out impatiently.  She was referring to Mindy and Vivian, of course.  I looked over at Harry instinctively.  I felt kind of bad for the guy.  The rest of the guys didn’t give a flying fig about Vivian but Karen and Jessica were giving him a hard time. He never seemed bothered by their remarks, which was good.  I caught his eye and tried to give him a sympathetic look but he looked away, a blank look on his face.  Liam had the good sense to change the subject so we spent the next fifteen minutes taking pictures with the group as a whole and in smaller groups.  We got the girls, the guys, the couples, and every other combination possible.  James and Jacob arrived at some point and I vaguely recognized them.

            When Vivian and Mindy finally arrived, there was tangible tension but we took more pictures.  I avoided eye contact with Vivian as much as possible.   Then Niall popped the champagne he brought and we sipped it until our limo arrived. 

            We went to dinner at this fancy restaurant and it was really nice.  We took even more pictures, naturally. Harry, Zayn, and their dates sat at the opposite end of the table as Karen and Jessica so dinner went very smoothly. 

            We piled back into the limo, took more pictures, and danced around and sang loudly on the way to the venue.  We walked into the venue together and took a group picture with a professional photographer.  Then we took couple pictures.  Once we were all done, we headed into the main room.  There were already tons of people dancing or standing around.  The lights were turned off and multicolored lights pulsed through the room.

            Our group separated.  Niall and I went to dance along with a few others while everyone else either went to the bar or bathroom.

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