"I'll let you get back to whatever it is you're doing." I said quietly and then ended the call shortly after when Nate wouldn't even respond.

I tossed my phone across the bed and curled into ball, not even crying or letting myself weep. I just stared numbly at the bedroom wall - my heart crumbling slowly.

Minutes later, as I still laid in that same position, I heard Sammy's voice through the house. I had given him an extra key in case of emergency so he had access to the house when Nate was away.

"Who the hell would be so sick and twisted to watch us - " Sammy yelled in rage but stopped when he walked into our room. " - girl?"

I grunted in response.

"You alright?" Sammy came up beside me and sat down on the floor. We were face to face now.

My eyes watered. I shook my head and buried my face in the pillow which only made matters worse because it smelled like Nate. My heart clenched tightly.

Sammy sighed. "You spoke to Nate, I'm guessing?"

I nodded in response.

"This person is gonna pay." Sammy said in anger. "I promise you!"

I looked up at him. "That's not even the worse part right now Sammy."

Sammy shot me a look. "What is?"

"I think I might be pregnant." I said and finally the tears were able to flow.


Sammy paced the kitchen floor in a fit of anxiety and shock. "You can't possibly be pregnant!"

I sat on the counter and gave Sammy a sharp look. "I haven't had my period this month! And I've been sick lately...not exactly morning sickness but still."

Sammy's face twisted in horror. I almost laughed at how close we've become, I didn't even feel ashamed to speak what I wanted to with him.

"Okay, I'll try to forget the first bit of that information." Sammy shook his head and chuckled.  "What can we do now?"

"About?" I looked at him.

"This spy!" Sammy balled his fists. "I hate seeing you hurt Tori and this person is the reason why Nate thinks I'm trying to get with you."

I looked down. "There's nothing we can do about Nate. He's miles away, angry and believes we're hooking up."

"Wouldn't blame him, I mean look at me." Sammy grinned and mumbled.

I laughed. "Yes you're irresistible and whatever...are we done?"

Sammy slid onto the counter beside me and sighed. "You're right, Nate will just have to trust us."

I nodded.

"In the mean time." Sammy squeezed my leg affectionately. "I really think you should see a doctor, just to be sure that you're pregnant or not."

I sighed. "You're right. I don't want to keep wondering and maybe it could help forget about this whole spy deal."

"I'll drive you." Sammy offered.


Shortly after,  we arrived at the hospital nearby. Sammy had made sure that I was assigned to Nate's family doctor who had helped them for years.

"Mr White is pretty much the best dude out there." Sammy said as we waited for the receptionist to call us. "Don't be so nervous."

I groaned. "What if I have twins? Or even triplets?"

Sammy's eyes widened. "That would be amazing! At least one of the rascals can be named after me."

"Oh Samuel." I managed a laugh. "Come to think of it, I may consider that."

Just as Sammy was about to freak out, I was called in. "Mr White will see you now, Mrs Maloley."

I stood up and walked. As much as I knew Sammy wanted to follow and be with me, I couldn't allow it. For one thing, I wanted to be alone - if Nate couldn't be there then I wanted nobody else. Secondly, it would just infuriate Nate further.

The procedure and testing went about as normal as my mother or any other aunt had told me. I was nervous the entire time, feeling uncomfitable and out of place among all the baby related things.

Was I pregnant? Possibly. Nate and I had agreed to let nature decide when we would have a child. Maybe this was it and in the most inconvenient time.

"Mrs Maloley." The doctor said once the tests were complete. "I'll have your test result mailed in a few days - just so you can have more privacy with your husband depending on the outcome."

I nodded with a smile. "Thank you so much Dr White."

As I exited, Sammy stood up immediately and bit his nail. "Are we having a little Sammy Junior?" He looked hopeful.

I giggled. "You'll know in a few days."

"Dude!" Sammy groaned.

"Let's go home." I yanked his arm and made for the front door.

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