Benny put his shirt back on and tucked his gun back as Audrey got an idea. She side grinned and closed the magazine, tucking it in the side compartment of the door.

Benny stuck the key in the keyhole as she reached over, unbuttoning only the first buttons on his shirt that he had just buttoned. He knitted his brows at her. Audrey pulled the his face towards her lips by cupping the side of his face.

Her perky lips glided over his neck as she begin to talk in a whisper. "What will it take for you to buy me these five hundred dollar shoes?" She interrogated with an innocent bat of her eyelashes.

Benny eyebrows were still furrowed until he relaxed his face. He knew damn well their relationship didn't go farther than her for sex and him for money but neither honestly cared. Benny took the key out and undid his belt buckle giving Audrey a hint. She simply reached over, popping her mouth open to be ready for his entrance.

• •


"Call me when you get there and when you're on the plane then when you get a taxi and when you get to where you're staying." Jue demanded as i nodded, knowing he couldn't physically see me.

So, Jue and I had made a deal after a lot of time wasted, non serious arguing and compromising. He would hear Reed out with me there if I hear my mom out and make things right with her after all these years.

Honestly, I was planning to do it anyways but I just kept putting it off. I wasn't sure if I was ready to see her or hear her reason to why she treated me the way she did.

I knew that I would have to stop postponing it eventually however and this was just an extra push because I wanted that grudge out Jue's chest and guilt off Reed's shoulders.

A simple minded person would think that there's no need for them to let the past be the past or for them to talk it out but I'm thinking better than that. It's a way better route to forgive than to hold a grudge.

I'm not saying for them to be best friends but if he plans to be long term as he wants and around a lot as he is, at least someone other than Ivy can be cordial with him. If that can't be understood than you're just simple minded, malleable even.

"I will Mr. Moore." I replied in a soft tone, grabbing my one and only suitcase for the three days I would be absent.

"Ahh, fuck you. I'll miss you though."

"Boy, I'll only be gone for three days and you'll be working the entire time. So by time I'm back, we'll be back together." I chucked a laugh.

"Yeah yeah, you're right. I'm getting ready to go right now."

"So in the mean time, be working on your be quiet and listening skills." I teased, tugging my suitcase out my room.

"You too miss thing."

"I'm about to go though, I will text you when I'm at the airport and on the plane."

"I said call not text."

"And if you're working?"

"I'm still answering." He said in a the hell tone. I sucked my teeth as I grinned widely.

"Okay, bye." I said and he hung up. I stuffed my phone in my back pocket then picked my bag up as I walked slowly down the stairs. I exited the front door to my dad's truck as he waited for me.

I side smiled as he returned it, grabbing my luggage for me. He put it in the back row of seats then shut the door. I climbed into the passenger seat as he took his position in the driver seat.

"I think this is a good thing for you to work things out with your mom." He spoke up and revived the engine, shifting the gear on the side of the wheel.

"Yeah. Gotta do it one day." I answered, focusing on the street once we were cruising down it.

It's been slight awkward tension between us since the family night because neither one of us had brought it up so it haven't been talked about. I know I'm trying to get others to talk things out and I'm about to go do it with my mom and not even doing it with my dad but honestly i don't even know what to say. Seems like he doesn't either.

It'll be talked out though. I'm just looking for the right time, I guess.

"Well, I'm proud of you because I know it's not easy." He added.

"Thanks dad."

He got quiet. It was silence for a couple of minutes when he sighed.

" I don't like that boy that you brought a couple of nights ago but what he said makes me realize I have a bit of explaining to do. I really don't know how to put it right now but as soon as you get back from Toronto , I'll have my words together."

I only nodded, not wanting to get into a conversation about neither Jue or his absence in my younger life at the moment. As I said, when the time is right we'll get to talk about it.

We talked a little more but tension was still there as I mentioned. It wasn't long before he was parking in garage of the airport. I made my way inside and we said our goodbyes before I took my phone from my back pocket, with my luggage in my other hand, and dialed Jue's number.

"Hey, I'm at the airport."

→ I don't think y'all ready

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→ I don't think y'all ready. 😭😌

Anyways, how was school? 😂 (for most of you) or work? (For others) or both?

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