I liked because it fit perfectly. And I hope Nate liked it too.

I slid on my flipflops, adjusted my ray bans on my head and shook out my ombre hair. Then I headed out of the villa - everyone had started walking towards the beach already.

I spotted Nate from afar without his shirt almost fainted from how good he looked that way. His hair in a neat manbun I loved so much. His tattoos stood out prominently.

As I caught up, the kayaks were still getting lined up at the shore. I walked up to Nate who turned around and took a mis-balanced step back.

"Lil mama." His eyes were wide as he opened his arms out for me. "God damn."
I blushed and felt his cold arms around my body. My nails ran along his back gently. Feeling his skin on mine was so refreshing and wakening.

"All this for me?" He whispered in my ear, his lips touching them barely.

I whispered. "Just for you." And kisses his ear slowly, feeling him let out a frustrated sigh.

"Alright you two!" Gilinsky yelled. "Quit fondeling so we can get this race started."

I blushed and withdrew myself quickly, forgetting his family were around. But they seemed to beam at us - happy to see us getting along. Nate looked at me with a smirk.

"Alright team!" Nate pulled us all together. It consisted of a few of his cousins, Stewart, Swazz and Kyle.

"I don't have a game plan." He laughed and slid his arm around me casually.

"Dad is ruthless." Stew groaned.

"But we ain't gon even let him win little bro." Nate said determined. "Let them stay in the lead until we reach the half way mark...they'll use all their energy by then."

"So we use ours on the way back." I finished for Nate.

"Yes my love." Nate said. "Now, let's do this as a team!"

We all piled into the kayak. Nate wanted to sit up in front, so he helped me get in first.

"What a great view." He said from behind me as I finally got in, standing up. I rolled my eyes and sat down but my face was burning red. Nate got in and sat beside me.

Once everyone in our team was in along with Nates dad's team - a guy blasted his whistled signaling us to start. The route was simple,  we race to the middle of the ocean where a buoy floated and make a 360 to come back.

Whoever got back first, wins.

Our team went according to what Nate planned - and it worked out so much better than I thought. We reached the halfway mark late - the other team all cheering and flipping us off.

But eventually we caught up, using more energy and beat them to the finish line, winning. Everyone was cheering as the other team was still trying to make it back to shore.

We all jumped out of the kayak.

"Come at us now!" Nate yelled as the other teamslowly made their way up to shore now.

"We owned y'all!" Stew said up in his dads face.

"Alright alright." Their dad groaned. "It was good luck but I'll give y'all that."

Nate scoffed. As the teams bickered back and forth, Nate turned to me and pulled my waist towards his.

"Victory sex?" He wiggled his brows.

"The brow wiggling is such a turn off though." I laughed and tried to wriggled out of his strong grasp.

Nate chuckled. "Alright its like that?" I finally broke free and tried to backup but Nate gripped my wrist and held me from moving.

"Let me go!" I made a face and tried to free myself.

Nate had a glint of danger in his beautiful eyes that I found extremely hot. "You asked for it baby girl."

With that, Nate picked me up and threw me over his shoulders. My hair dangled to the ground, I held Nates waist feeling like I was going to fall.

"Nathan!" I yelled and laughed at the same time.

"You'll be saying that again in about five minutes." Nate said as he began walking back to the villa with me slung over his shoulders. "Maybe louder."

"You can't go a day without being dirty can you!?" I groaned as we neared the villa.

"With you looking like this? Nah nah."

Nate walked into our room and shut the door, locking it behind him.


After the whole session with Nate, we had taken a nap which was like midday and so obvious we were doing things. I didn't want to step out again.

"We have more days to spend with everyone." Nate said as he laid on our bed, I was sitting up in front of him with my legs crossed. "We can stay in today and just talk."

I smiled. "I think I like that better."

Nate twirled a curl around his pointer fingers. "Are you happy?"

I looked at him. "Of course I'm happy, Nate. What kind of question is that?"

"No kind." Nate shrugged. "I just...god I just wanna give you everything."

"Hey." I run my hand gentle across his cheek. "You give me everything, that I could ever want or need."

Nate smiled. For once he didn't say anything but just looked at me while I spoke.

"You're wonderful. And I've always wanted a relationship like this, I mean the arranged marriage was weird but I got you out if it." I said. "And that's like striking a bargain."

Nate sighed "You know I just don't wanna end up like most couples, you know divorce and shit."

"I don't think you and I would ever end up that way. I love you too much."

"Just promise me we'll work on our relationship even in bad times." Nate sat up, his hand on my collarbone. "No secrets, beating around the bush, hiding feelings."

I nodded. "None of that."

Nate smiled and brought my lips closer to his and kissed me. It was like all our kisses, but didn't mean I was used to the fire that burned each time. It set my being ablaze with emotions.

"I love you." Nate whispered against my lips.

I responded. "I love you."

And then I kissed him harder feeling like I needed him. I really did.

An Arranged Marriage ❉  n.mWhere stories live. Discover now