I nodded my head in understanding. "Yeah, I'll try to remember. I'm sorry, don't mean to worry you." He removed the lid from the blender and poured his smoothie into a tall glass.

"It just comes with being a dad. I worry about you and now Auna all the time." He said and I smiled. I stuffed the last of my food into my mouth.

I went over to him and gave him a hug then grabbed my things. "I'll be sure to tell you next time. I'm going to work now. Love you." I said, opening the front door.

"Alright, be careful! I love you too!" He said and I closed the front door, stepping through the lawn towards my car.


I knocked on the door harder then rung the doorbell for the millionth time. It was starting to get cold out, they need to hurry up.

I finally heard the door unlock and Terrance opened it, churning his eyebrows. "Damn impatient ass nigga. What you doing here anyways?" He asked, walking from the door as I came in.

I closed and locked it behind me, sitting my keys on the table. "Came by to get that package. Is it here yet?" I asked, going towards the kitchen where he was.

He nodded and gestured his head towards the side where I saw a box. I bobbed my head in relief, grabbing it. "What is it? And why you didn't just have it sent to your house?"

"It's a part I need for this engine I'm working on and you know I don't like sending big packages over there. Niggas be stealing right out the mailbox." I shook my head.

He drunk from his water bottle and shoved his shoulders. "Aight, I feel you. Just quit knocking like you crazy."

"Hurry your ass up and get to the door."

"Stop being lazy and use your damn key." I smacked my lips, waving him off. "Yeah exactly." He added.

"Whatever. I got someone I want you to meet."

"Who? Right now?"

"Not right now but Evi." I spoke, taking a seat on top of the counter.

"That girl that stayed here with y'all right?" I nodded. "Oh cool. What I need to meet her for though?"

"Cause that's my woman nigga." I said, looking up as I threw my keys repeatedly in my hands.

"Aw shit, the loner finally settled down." I gave him an unamused face like uh sir and your girlfriend is where as he chuckled. "Alright, I'll meet her. You should bring her next Friday for the monthly dinner." I agreed.

"Alright. Where's momma?"

Her and Tevon still sleep. I would be too if a maniac wasn't on the loose and knocking on the door."

"Man, shut up." I said before the doorbell sounded. We both looked towards the door and T started walking towards it.

I hopped down and followed him as he looked out the peephole. He looked back at me with a shocked expression and I raised a brow. He unlocked the door and hesitantly opened it as a loud cough sounded.

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