She didn't say anything. All I heard was the door shut behind me, signalling her leaving. The guilt set in.

-Tori POV-

"Honey?" Nate's mom - Kami - call me as I rushed down the hall. "You're not having dessert?"

I looked at her, hoping my tears wouldn't fall now. In fact, I hope my face wasn't full of anger. I didn't want all her efforts for this night to be in vain.

"Where's Nate?" She asked looking behind me. Then she smiled. "If you two want privacy - "

"No no." I kind of laughed but it didn't even feel like I was. "I don't know where Nate is, I'm just not feeling well."

She rubbed my arm. "I'll find him then bring you some tea." She looked at me then at my stomach briefly. I knew she was hoping my illness was result of a possible family. That would be the last thing we both need.

I nodded as she frittered down the hall way again. Bless her soul.

I retreated to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I felt like someone had gripped my throat tightly. I couldn't breath.

What had happened with Nate? All of a sudden he was so cold and standoffish with me when earlier he couldn't keep his hands off me.

Was it the wedding being so near that he couldn't deal? I could understand that for sure couldn't be that. It just had to be something. I was so hurt and so confused at his behavior.

But no tears came.

After calming down, making sure my face was normal again - I walked out of the bathroom. I decided to head down to the backyard and act natural. I couldn't let our guests have a bad night because of Nate.

I emerged and painted a smile on my face. I spotted Nate sitting with his brother and friends. He looked up at me but I didn't look back. I was pissed.

I went about normal party vibe. Nate's mom had checked up on me a few times which was sweet. But Nate didn't even care nor did he feel remorse.

"Tori!" A random voice I couldn't register said beside me. I looked sideways and caught Sera's smile.

"Uh..hey?" I said looking around. I didn't remember her being invited.

"Oh Nate invited me!" She waved and looked at the chocolate cake in my hand with distaste.

"He did?" I smiled thinly. I remember him telling me, she didn't have to be around anymore. Maybe he had a change of heart.

"I don't know why." She said cheerfully and shrugged. "I mean I was his - "

She stopped and bit her lip like she shouldn't be saying all of these things to me. It annoyed me but I wanted to know what she meant to say. Maybe this was why Nate was acting up.

"His what?" I asked coldly and raised my brow. Over her shoulder, Nate had seen us talking. He frowned, got up quickly and walked over but I wanted Sera to spit it out.

"His fiance." She looked at me with wide innocent eyes.

I must have gasped and looked at her like she had five heads. Because she looked at me with a mock shock.

"You didn't know?" Sera asked me, I bet she was aware of Nate behind her. "Nate didn't tell you how we were supposed to be married too?"

I stared at her. This had to be a lie. But it must have been true anyways. Because Nate stopped in his tracks and stood behind Sera. His face fell so fast.

I looked down at my chocolate cake and considered throwing it in her face.

"Oh and shouldn't you be cutting down the carbs? I mean your hips - " Sera began with a giggle.

"Are something you don't have." I said with sass and set my plate down on the snack table, walking away from her and Nate.

I walked back inside, not even caring if tears were falling down my face now. I couldn't handle this anymore. I had kept these feelings at bay for too long and needed an outlet.

"Tori!" I heard Nate yell as he walked inside too. I slid my engagement ring off and put on the kitchen counter as I walked pass it.

I ignored him and kept walking down, not knowing where I wanted to go. I decided on the bathroom again since it was the closest.

"Tori, please hold up - " Nate tried to get me but I slammed the door shut in his face and turned the key.

My back was to the door and I covered my face in shame. How could I have not known though? Why would Sera just be here all of a sudden...she and Nate must have been too close.

"Let me in!" Nate slammed his fist on the door loudly and repeatedly.

I didn't answer from the tears rolling down my face. I hated crying and the fact that I gave in said much. I felt more stupid than hurt right now. And even more angry.

"Open the damn Tori!" Nate growled in anger. "Or I swear to god I'll - "

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back, finally finding courage to speak.

"No! I can't let you do this...I shouldn't have snapped at you and - "

"Should have told me you were supposed to be married before?" I asked. "What else haven't you told me?"

"That's it Tori! I swear...I only kept it a secret so I didn't have to hurt you." Nate said in a pleading voice.

I didn't answer. What could I say? I did understand but now I was still hurt anyways. His attempts were I vain.

"Please let me in." Nate asked, his voice cracking. "Please."

"I don't trust you." I spoke softly.

And then I slid down to the floor.

Hey everyone!

So I finally posted on the Instagram book account. The first three posts are up and I hope you all go and read it. I hope you all like it - its the first non-fanfiction book I've begun writing.

I have so many good plans for this and can't wait to know what you all think. So please comment any feelings towards it, I'd be so grateful to you guys.

A small request: please don't mention this account on my personal one on Instagram @ohnoits.simone since I haven't told my friends or family about this yet. I feel like I'm not ready for that at this moment. I'd like to know what you think first.

I'd also appreciate if any of you would like to post on your page to let some of the fangirls know. Only if you want to, the support won't be unnoticed!

This means a great deal to me! I'm legit so thankful for you all!

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