Chapter 2

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Ah, another day in the life of a teacher. But not just any ordinary teacher. Not just any ordinary school. Nope. This is emo school, where we find emo kids who are given a hard time at their normal school (or maybe just a group of emo misfits who were doing just fine but would do better here) and we bring them here so they can be with people just like them and make even more friends with the same interests.

Today, we're supposedly getting a new student who lives in the area. Sometimes, our students come from other parts of the country, and it's hard for them to leave their families behind, but we try to accommodate that the best we can. Like letting them have their electronics in school so they can keep in contact. But the nice thing is, they don't ever use their electronics in class. They don't want to. And nobody misbehaves. It's because they're so grateful to be here.

Anyway, our new kid. Her name is Cassie, apparently, and from the security camera footage we've seen, she gets bullied and beaten quite a lot, and we never see her with anyone, so she doesn't seem to have friends, either. Sad situation, if you ask me. Which is why we're bringing her here. So she can have a better life.

We've also noticed her family's financially challenged. We've gathered that she has a single mom and a couple of little siblings. Her mom struggles to put food on the table every night. Her mom usually doesn't get to eat, and sometimes, not even poor Cassie gets to eat. She hasn't seen a doctor in years.

The worst part?

Nobody's doing anything about any of it.

Which is why we're stepping in to help her. I'm looking forward to meeting her soon, she seems like a very nice girl.

I walk into my classroom, where some of my first period students sit already. I teach music here. Is it really a surprise, though? I mean, I play a lot of instruments, and I want to share that with these kids and help them find their talents.

"Hi, Brendon!" one of my students, Kiera, says with her usual morning cheer.

"Good morning, Kiera, how'd you sleep last night?"

"I slept quite well. And you, Brendon?"

She's so polite. This is why I love my job.

"I slept very well, Kiera, thank you for asking!"

"So what're we gonna do today?"

"We're gonna arrange some music today."

"Ooh, fun!"

"I know! I'm excited too!" I reply.

"So, what's new?" she asks after a moment of silence.

"We'll, we're gonna have a new student..."

"Ooh! Tell me more!"

"Well, her name is Cassie. She gets bullied a lot at her current school."

"Oh, so Mikey and Pete are going to get her?"


"So what's her deal, then?"

I was going to answer, but by now, the rest of the students have filed into the room and the bell rings.

"Good morning, class!" I say loudly (like a teacher should).

"Good morning, Brendon!" my students say enthusiastically in unison.

"Today we're going to be arranging music. You can choose to cover a song, or, if you're feeling ambitious," I say, winking, "you may write your own piece."

And so it begins. I'm genuinely interested in what these kids come up with. And I know nobody will fail, because no one ever has. In fact, the lowest anyone's ever gotten in this school is a B. And even that's rare.

I continue to talk through the basics of composing, then allow them to dig out their laptops and set to work.

I casually stroll along the classroom, my feet making slight noise on the tiled floor with every step I take. As I walk by, I glance through all of the students and the wide range of difference between the songs, covers and originals. I walk back to my front desk and wait, scanning over all of the amazing grades on my computer and planning tomorrow's lesson.

I noticed many of the students got they're work finished before the bell rang, but I heard a slight rumble of defeat of the students who didn't.

"Alright class, I'll see you tomorrow with your finished songs! I can't wait!" I say extra enthusiastically.

And with a blink of an eye, the students were gone.

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