Chapter 55: Cashley is real?!

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((*A/N* there is going to be a little time skip. It is almost the end of warped tour and CC and Ashley are going to get the engagement ring.))

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I just got the call that Harley's ring is done and ready to pick up. It is a day off and CC and I are heading back to the jewelry store to get the ring and pick out a box. We get in the car and drive to the shop. We get there and enter the store.

"Hello, Ashley. I see you're here for the ring." Stephen said.

"Yeah, I am." I said.

"Okay, let me go get it. And if I remember correctly we still need to get a box." Stephen said.

"Yes, that is correct." I said.

"Okay, perfect." Stephen said.

He went into the back and came back with the ring in a bag. He pulled it out and let me examine it. He explained to me everything about it, from the band to the beautiful jewel on top. I looked at it and it was perfect. I smiled.

"So how is it? Does it pass the test?" Stephen asked.

"It's amazing." I said.

"Yeah, it is beautiful." CC said.

I sighed.

"Oh man, I'm getting all nervous now." I said, placing a hand in my chest.

We all had a good laugh.

"I'm sure she'll love it. It's a gorgeous ring." Stephen said. "So, we have a few options for boxes."

"Okay." I said.

"We have the standard box. It is pretty thick so people like to go with the thin box option." Stephen said.

I didn't really care about the box. I decided to go with the standard box. It was black and it had a light inside. We got the ring and the box and we went back to the bus. When I entered the bus, everyone was tense.

"Did you get it? What does it look like? Can we see it?" Everyone asked at once.

"Woah, calm down guys. He's nervous as it is." CC said.

Everyone calmed down a bit and I was able to relax a little.

"Yes I have it, it looks like a ring, and no you can't see it. You'll see it when it's on her finger. Nobody is touching this box." I said.

I went to my bunk and hid the box and then came back to the front lounge.

"We go on soon, I'm getting ready." Andy said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna warm up." Jake said.

Jinxx followed him to the back lounge and it was only CC and I.

"I'm nervous as hell." I said.

"You've still got some time to think it over and finalize everything." CC said.

"Yeah, I know." I said.

Andy came back out and I decided to get ready myself. I got changed and then went into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. CC joined me.

"Only a few more days. I'm so nervous." I said to CC.

"You're gonna do fine." CC said.

Andy joined us by standing at the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Are you freaking out over the proposal?" Andy asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Dude, you're gonna do fine. I know she's gonna say yes." Andy said.

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