Chapter 57: Something has to happen

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*Harley's P.O.V.*

"Something is going to happen today, I just know it. Everyone has been acting weird all tour but today is the last day. Something has to happen."

I decided to roll out of bed and get ready for the last day. I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I went to the front and ate some food. Our crew and the band all shared our goodbyes together before heading our separate ways when tour ends. Cleo and I decided to go to the Bvb bus before we went on. Ashley likes to walk with me to my stage before I go on and I walk back with him when he gets off his stage.

We entered the bus and Andy pointed to the bathroom. Cleo and I walked to the bathroom and smiled at the two gentlemen inside. CC waved and Ashley smiled back and came over and hugged me. I laughed as he repeatedly kissed my cheek. He let go of the hug but still had his arm wrapped around my back.

"What's up with you today?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just love you." Ash said.

"Okay." I said, while smiling.

I knew something was up with him but I brushed it off.

"So, is everything set for today?" Cleo said.

"Yup. All ready." Ashley said.

"All ready? For what?" I asked, confused.

"For the show today, it's the last day." Ashley said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm excited to go home and sleep in a proper bed." I said.

"Yeah, me too." Ashley said.

Ashley finished getting ready and walked with me and Cleo over to our stage.

"Good luck, babe. Have fun, I'll see you soon." He said.

"I will." I said, kissing him.

I then went on stage and played an amazing last show with my band to end the tour.

"Thank you all so much for giving us this amazing opportunity. Thank you Warped Tour for having us this year and thank you to all of our crew for sweating their asses off with us. We are Razorblades and we will see you next time. Enjoy the rest of your day." Tyler said.

We then went off stage and I handed my bass to my guitar tech. I grabbed some water and gulped it down.

"That was awesome!" I said.

"Yes, this has been so amazing." Tyler said.

"We lost some and we gained some on this tour. I think we really figured out who we are as a band." Cleo said.

"I agree, we still need a rhythm guitarist though. But we really did bond this tour." Tyler said.

"To good times and many more." I said, raising my can in the air.

"To good times and many more." Everyone else repeated, raising their cans in the air.

We toasted and drank from our cans. Everyone settled down a bit and started heading back.

"I'm tired. I kinda wanna take a nap." I said to Cleo.

"No! You can't!" She said, freaking out.

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