Chapter 13: Blood

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*Harley's P.O.V.*

When we got to the park it was practically empty except for the grown men dressed in all black sitting on the swings.

"I think that's them." I said pointing to the swings.

"Yay! Park!" Hera shouted.

She ran towards the swings.

"Hey! Wait up!" CC shouted, following Hera.

Ashley grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. We walked over to the swings.

"Hey!" Andy said.

"Hi. Why did you guys want to go to the park?" I asked.

"I don't know..." Andy replied.

"Well, we figured Hera would like it." Jinxx said.

He turned his head to see CC pushing Hera on the swing.

"I'm guessing she likes it." Jake said.

"Yup." I nodded.

"Hey," I said to Ashley.

He turned his head in my direction and looked at me.

"Bet I could beat you to the bridge?" I said, pointing to the bridge in the middle of the park.

"Yeah? Well, you'll have to catch me." He said, sprinting for the jungle gym.

"Hey!" I shouted, running after him.

We raced to the bridge, climbing stairs and trying to slow each other down. There was another man there, who I'm assuming was there with his kid. He was running behind us. I finally got to the bridge and Ashley was no where to be seen.

"Ashley?" I asked, looking around.

I felt arms wrap around me and pick me up. They then pushed me over the bridge and I fell face first into a pile of mulch. Pain raced through my head and arms. Blackness took over.

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

"Ashley?" Harley called.

I took another route to the bridge to let Harley beat me. I finally reached the bridge and a tall man picked up Harley and threw her off the bridge.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I screamed.

I ran over to him and pushed him down. I kicked him in the balls and he screamed out in pain. I looked over the bridge to see Harley laying flat in a pile of mulch. My eyes widened and my heart raced. CC and Jake ran over to her. I ran down the jungle gym and raced under the bridge to where Harley was.

"Oh my god!" I said softly.

I knelt down next to Harley and lifted her head.


My eyes widened in shock. I slowly turned around to CC and Jake who had the same reaction. Andy ran up to us and gasped.

"Someone call 911." I said, trying to stay calm.

Andy whipped his phone out and dialed the number. I returned my attention to Harley.

"Ash, stay calm." Jake said to me.

I was freaking out. I started crying and my heart was still racing.

"What if she's dead?" I said, thinking of the worst.

"Ashley, I'll take care of this." Jake said.

CC wrapped his arm around me and pulled me away from Harley. I started crying even more into his chest.

"It's okay, she's gonna be okay." He whispered to me.

I turned back to Harley. Jake laid her on her back. I got up and walked closer to her. Her face was covered in blood. The bone of her right arm was sticking out at the elbow and covered in blood. Just looking at it made me sick. I heard sirens in the distance. I felt a little light-headed and had to turn away.

"You okay, Ash?" CC asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You're as pale as a ghost." Jinxx said, walking over to us with Hera.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said.

The sirens got closer and eventually stopped. Paramedics rushed over to us and examined Harley. They carefully wrapped her wounds temporarily and placed her on the stretcher. They hooked her up to a bunch of machines while asking Andy what had happened.

There was a huge pile of blood soaked into the mulch where she was laying. I felt even more light-headed than before and I felt dizzy, very dizzy. My vision started to blur and everything seemed to slow down a little.

"Ashley!" Someone yelled.

The ground appeared before me very quickly and my head connected with it, swirling me into a world of blackness.

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