Chapter 40: I want to propose to her

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

Harley just went on stage and was putting on a kickass show. Unfortunately, Bvb was playing shortly and I had to get ready. I walked back to my bus and started getting ready. Jake and Jinxx were in the back warming up and Andy was roaming around in the front lounge warming up his voice. CC was running behind, along with myself, and was still getting his clothes and make-up on.

"Hey, Purdy, does this look like enough eye shadow?" CC asked me from the bathroom.

I stepped into the bathroom and examined my friend's make-up.

"Yeah, that looks like enough. Can I use your eyeliner?" I asked.

"Yeah, here." CC said, handing me the eyeliner.

I carefully applied the product to both of my eyes and set it back down on the counter. I grabbed some hairspray and fluffed my hair up a bit to give it more volume.

"So, CC?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Um," I started, setting the hairspray down. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, dude. You can tell me anything, we're brothers." CC said, pausing his routine to listen to me.

"Well, Harley and I have been dating for a while now..." I said, drifting off.

"And?" CC asked.

"Um, I care about her... A lot. And I love her a lot..." I said.

"And?" CC said again, a little confused.

I sighed.

"What's wrong, did something happen?" He asked, getting a little concerned now.

"No, it's just..." I said.

I got up and closed the door.

"Ash, is everything okay? You're acting really weird?" CC said, concern flooding his face.

"No, everything's fine... I just..." I said, struggling to find the right words.

"Spit it out, Purdy." CC said, wrapping his hand around my back.

"I want to propose to her." I said.

Everything got quiet and CC's eyes widened and his jaw dropped a little.

"Really?" He asked, in shock.

"Yeah..." I said.

He remained quiet and in shock.

"I wanted to tell you first because I didn't know how anyone else would react..." I said.

I was really nervous telling him and looked down, fumbling with my fingers.

"Wow, I'm just... Surprised." He said.

I looked back up at him.

"Yeah, I figured everyone else would be too." I said quietly.

"Wow... I'm just trying to wrap my head around this." CC said. "You, Ashley Purdy, the crazy party animal,"

"Yes?" I said.

"Want to ask Harley Finch, the not so crazy, shy, amazingly talented bass player, to marry you?" CC said.

"Yes." I replied, without hesitation.

"Okay. Well, if you want my help with anything, I'll be very glad to help. Have you looked at any rings yet?" CC asked.

"No, but I've been thinking about this for a while." I said.

"Have you mentioned anything to Harley about it?" CC asked.

"Yeah, we've talked a little about it. I was gonna move into her apartment when tour gets over because my lease is almost up. I practically live there now, just my dogs are still at my place. I was gonna move in before tour but I didn't know how the dogs would react so we didn't do it." I said.

CC smiled at me.

"I'm really proud of you, Purdy." He said.

I smiled back and then he hugged me for a little and then let go.

"Oh man, my little guy is growing up." He said, pretending to tear up.

"What?! What do you mean little guy, I'm older than you?" I said, laughing.

"Haha, I'm joking with you buddy." He said, and hugged me again.

"Well, we should head for the stage. We go on soon. Are you ready?" CC asked.

"Yup, let's go." I said.

I opened the door and the rest of our band and crew were eavesdropping on the conversation CC and I just had.

"Really?" I asked.

They all stood there like deer in headlights and then scrambled quickly out of the bus. I turned to look at CC and he just laughed.

"Well, now everybody knows about that." I sighed.

"It's alright buddy, they're probably gonna ask you about it after the show." CC said.

"Yeah, which means I'm gonna have to avoid Harley so she doesn't find out. I really don't want anybody to know because I don't know how I'm gonna ask her." I said.

"You could ask her on the last day of tour on stage?" CC suggested.

"Yeah, I don't know. I have to think about it, I don't even have a ring yet." I said.

"Well, we can look for one on an off day?" CC said.

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm still figuring things out. I just needed to get that off of my chest to know I had some support with this." I said.

"Of course, Ash! We're brothers, you can rely on all of us for anything." CC said.

"Thanks, CC." I said, smiling.

"Absolutely." He said.

We stepped off of the bus and headed for the stage. When we arrived, everyone was there and the crowd was chanting our name.

"Okay, we're not gonna discuss this until after the show, Purdy." Andy said.

"Okay." I said.

"Everyone understood?" Andy asked.

"Yes." Everyone replied.

"Okay, don't tell another living soul, this is between us." Andy said.

After that, our cue played and we walked onto the stage and started playing.

((*A/N* Hello everyone. I've been writing this book for forever now and I feel like now it's finally starting to go somewhere, haha. Anyway, I finished school the other day so I have more time to write and will definitely be trying to write more. Thank you for sticking around and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come :) ))

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