Chapter 39: Here's to your perfect weapon

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*Harley's P.O.V.*

We had just finished our show and I rushed over to Bvb's stage to see them play. They were already a few songs in but I still got to see the majority of their show. I went side stage to greet Ashley as Bvb finished their show.

"Hey!" He said.

He ran over to me and hugged me. He still had his bass on and he was very sweaty but so was I so, I didn't care.

"You ready?" He asked.

"To finish the signing? As ready as I'll be." I said.

We went back to the AP tent and finished the signing. By the time we were done, it was getting dark and it was almost time to leave.

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow." Ashley said.

We kissed eachother and went to our busses. I passed out in my bunk before I was able to change.


"Wake up! Wake up! Today's gonna rock!!" Someone screamed.

They were banging pots and pans together and someone else had an air horn.

"Ughh... Go away, I need more sleep." I muttered mostly to myself.

Someone pulled my curtain open and light flooded my bunk.

"Wake up! We have shit to do!" Tyler yelled as he continued blowing the air horn.

"Get that thing near me and I'll break you neck." I said, grumpily.

"Well, someone's grumpy." He said, making his way to the front of the bus.

"Grrr, why can't you guys let me wake up on my own for once." I complained, getting up from my bunk.

"Cause you can sleep for a week at a time." Cleo said.

"Whatever." I said.

I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I did my normal routine and exited the bathroom. I went to the table and ate breakfast while everyone else was getting ready.

"Arizona today, everyone!" Our tour manager said.

Ashley walked onto the bus along with CC.

"Hey beautiful." Ashley said.

"Hi." I smiled back at him.

He sat across from me and CC sat next to him as Cleo emerged from the bunk area. She sat next to me with a bowl of cereal.

"So," Ashley started.

"Yes?" I said, continuing to eat my food.

"You know how you were talking about getting a tattoo?" Ashley asked.

I had been talking about getting some more tattoos. My plan was to have a band/music sleeve on my left arm and a more family/friend/personal sleeve on my right arm. I already had a Bvb star tattoo on my left arm, which I had gotten when I was younger. I had drawn up a cool design with some of my favorite lyrics from Bvb.

"Yes?" I asked Ashley, still confused.

"Well, a friend of mine has a tattoo shop not too far from here. I was thinking of getting another tattoo myself." Ash said.

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